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托福阅读10大题型中的否定事实信息题Negative Factual Information Question一直被认为是比较鸡肋的题型,今天小编给大家来托福阅读鸡肋题型否定事实信息题解题方法实例讲解,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。



首先来看一下到底什么是否定事实信息题Negative Factual Information Question,这一题型在小编看来其实类似事实信息题,只不过其提问方式是反过来的,别人问的哪个选项在文章中有提到,而否定事实信息题则是问以下哪个选项文章里没有提到或是不正确,下面给出两个此题型的标准提问方式:

1. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true of X?

2. The author's description of X mentions all of the following EXCEPT.




1. 正常流程解题耗时多


2. 自带审题陷阱针对粗心考生





Darwin's theory is that 'selective breeding' occurs in nature as 'natural selection' is the engine behind evolution. Thus, the theory provides an excellent basis for understanding how organisms change over time. Nevertheless, it is just a theory and elusively difficult to prove. One of the major holes in Darwin's theory revolves around “irreducibly complex systems.” An irreducibly complex system is known as a system where many different parts must all operate together. As a result, in the absence of one, the system as a whole collapses. Consequently, as modern technology improves, science can identify these “irreducibly complex systems” even at microscopic levels. These complex systems, if so inter-reliant, would be resistant to Darwin's supposition of how evolution occurs. As Darwin himself admitted, “To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus for different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I free confess, absurd in the highest degree.

Question: All of the following are mentioned in paragraph 4 as a viewpoint to state the natural selection is difficult to prove EXCEPT

A. The belief that the complexity of the human eye could have been formed by natural selection seems highly unlikely

B. The presence of irreducibly complex system contradicts how evolution occurs

C. Modern microbiology proves that irreducibly complex systems exist

D. Selective breeding is the major hole in the theory of natural selection


1. 先看题目再看文章



2. 归纳段落大意和核心信息


比如上面这道题,选项A对应的是文章最后一句 “As Darwin himself admitted, “To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus for different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection”.

选项B对应的是“One of the major holes in Darwin's theory revolves around “irreducibly complex systems.” An irreducibly complex system is known as a system where many different parts must all operate together. As a result, in the absence of one, the system as a whole collapses.”和“These complex systems, if so inter-reliant, would be resistant to Darwin's supposition of how evolution occurs”

选项C对应的是“Consequently, as modern technology improves, science can identify these “irreducibly complex systems” even at microscopic levels.”

唯独选项D没有对应内容,文中提到的major hole是irreducibly complex systems而并非selective breeding,因此这个选项才是本题要选的选项。








在托福考试的时候不可能也没有时间把句子中的每个信息点都读完,当然句子这么长,也不可能所有的信息都是major idea。而我们要做的第一步当然就是提取major idea,也就是所谓的主干。这个主干如何提取呢?


Ekman has found that the so-called Duchenne smile, which is characterized by "crow's feet" wrinkles around the eyes and a subtle drop in the eye cover fold so that the skin above the eye moves down slightly toward the eyeball, can lead to pleasant feelings.


Ekman has found that the so-called Duchenne smile, which is characterized by "crow's feet" wrinkles and a subtle drop so that the skin moves down slightly, can lead to pleasant feelings.



首先在划从句之前,可以把连接词找出来,这对学生来说不是难事,比如说例句中的3个连接词分别是that, which及so that。因为which之前有一个逗点,很容易判断这是一个断点,那我们就先暂且不管that所在的部分,这样就可以划出两个句子。

Ekman has found that the so-called Duchenne smile, which is characterized by "crow's feet" wrinkles and a subtle drop so that the skin moves down slightly, can lead to pleasant feelings.


Ekman has found that the so-called Duchenne smile, A B, can lead to pleasant feelings.

我们把A B作为一个整体,就很容易看出其是修饰名词smile的,充当的是定语的作用。而至于A与B的关系,我们只需要知道两者是由so that引导的表示结果的关系就好。这个时候,我们再去看that引导的句子就容易多了。

Ekman has found that the so-called Duchenne smile, A B, can lead to pleasant feelings.

简单说,这个句子就变成了Ekman has found C. 很容易判断C在本句中是充当宾语成份的,即宾语从句。


Ekman has found that the so-called Duchenne smile can lead to pleasant feelings.



The principal elements in behavioral thermoregulation are basking (heliothermy),heat exchange with substrates such as rock or earth (thigmothermy),and diurnal and annual avoidance behaviors,which include moving to shelter during the day for cooling and hibernating or estivating (reducing activity during cold or hot weather, respectively).( TPO40,48)

A series of mechanical improvements continuing well into the nineteenth century, including the introduction of pedals to sustain tone or to soften it, the perfection of a metal frame and steel wire of the finest quality, finally produced an instrument capable of myriad tonal effects from the most delicate harmonies to an almost orchestral fullness of sound,from a liquid,singing tone to a sharp, percussive brilliance.



分句1:A series of mechanical improvements continuing well into the nineteenth century;

分句2:including the introduction of pedals to sustain tone or to soften it;

分句3:the perfection of a metal frame and steel wire of the finest quality;

分句4:finally produced an instrument capable of myriad tonal effects;

分句5:from the most delicate harmonies to an almost orchestral fullness of sound;

分句6:from a liquid,singing tone to a sharp, percussive brilliance。

本句的真正的主句结构其实是由分句1和分句4构成,即A series of mechanical improvements continuing well into the nineteenth century finally produced an instrument capable of myriad tonal effects. 分句2和分句3并列修饰说明分句1中的A series of mechanical improvements,而分句5和分句6并列,修饰说明了分句4中的an instrument capable of myriad tonal effects.


