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Paragraph 5: Even the kind ofstability defined as simple lack of change is not always associated withmaximum diversity. At least in temperate zones, maximum diversity is oftenfound in mid-successional stages, not in the climax community. Once a redwoodforest matures, for example, the kinds of species and the number of individualsgrowing on the forest floor are reduced. In general, diversity, by itself, doesnot ensure stability. Mathematical models of ecosystems likewise suggest thatdiversity does not guarantee ecosystem stability—just the opposite, in fact. Amore complicated system is, in general, more likely than a simple system tobreak down. A fifteen-speed racing bicycle is more likely to break down than achild’s tricycle.

Which of the following can be inferredfrom paragraph 5 about redwood forests?

A. They become less stable as theymature.

B. They support many species when theyreach climax.

C. They are found in temperate zones.

D. They have reduced diversity duringmid-successional stages.


推断题(inference question)和事实信息题、否定信息题一样,以“找关键词+定位”为切入点。本题的关键词是redwood forest, 回到原文定位到第三句:Once a redwoodforest matures, for example, the kinds of species and the number of individualsgrowing on the forest floor are reduced. 这句话的意思是:例如,红杉树林一旦成熟,其中的物种数量以及单个物种的数量都会减少。

看懂了这句话的我们立即迫不及待的去搜索选项,却发现这句话的内容是无法与任何选项匹配的。于是,我们意识到,只阅读这句话的信息量是不够的,我们需要关注推断题定位范围的放大现象。关注到本句中有个关键词:for example, 意味着本句是例子,一定和前句的内容相关。所以我们来看前句: At least intemperate zones, maximum diversity is often found in mid-successional stages,not in the climax community. 至少在温带地区,会经常在演替过程中发现最多物种,而不是在顶极群落中。发现三个选项中关键词climax,temperate, mid-successional stages在原文中都可以找到对应,并且B,D选项都与这句话所叙述内容相反可以很容易排除。

接下来我们来看C选项:They are foundin temperate zones. 有很多同学就卡在这里了,他们认为原文说在温带地区,最多物种是在演替过程中,而不是在顶级群落,说明物种多样性和温带地区相关,没有证据表明redwood forest和温带地区相关,于是很多同学在纠结之后选到了A选项: They become lessstable as they mature. 当它们成熟的时候它们变得更不稳定了。这类同学认为Once a redwood forest matures, forexample, the kinds of species and the number of individuals growing on theforest floor are reduced.红杉树林一旦成熟,其中的物种数量以及单个物种的数量都会减少,然后想当然的认为物种减少就代表稳定性降低,但是我们仔细读第一句:Even the kindof stability defined as simple lack of change is not always associated withmaximum diversity. 即使是这种被定义为简单地缺乏变化的稳定性并非总是与最多样的物种联系起来。简单来说,本句表达的含义是:稳定性和最大多样性是没有关联的,所以不能选A。

实际上这道题是典型的主题+例证类推理题,例子是来说明主题的,所以例子的特征应该是与主题中所描述的特征一致的,即redwoodforests are found in temperate zones.



Traditional marriage proposals could soon be consigned to the history books – with almost half of them now happening at home in front of the TV.


A study of newlyweds has found modern men are ditching age-old traditional proposal custom in favour of a more lacklustre approach.


The study found only a third of men now go down on one knee to pop the question as their fathers and grandfathers’ generations would have done.


And the age-old tradition of asking the bride’s father for her hand in marriage is also on the verge of dying out with 63% of recently married males claiming they “didn’t bother”.


Even the idea of picking a romantic location to propose has fallen by the wayside, with the typical ‘Will you marry me?’ now most likely to take place at home.


十大热门求婚地点 猜猜第一名是哪里?

Only six percent bothered to take their partner abroad on holiday – but the same number of men proposed in the local pub – and 5.5% popped the question in the car.


The study also found the average amount of time in a relationship before a proposal is now three years – so British women are taking matters into their own hands in a bid to get a proposal.


Almost a third of women 29% now end up choosing their own ring, rather than letting their partner decide.


The typical bride-to-be will also enlist the help of at least one friend to help speed up a proposal – as well as dropping two major engagement hints to encourage their partner to pop the question.


Casually asking ‘Who would you want as your best man?’, commenting on celebrities' engagement rings - and jokingly suggesting you apply for the TV show ‘Don't Tell the Bride’ are the most common tactics.


十大热门求婚地点 猜猜第一名是哪里?

Lorna Haddon, diamond ring and jewellery buyer at Beaverbrooks who commissioned the study of 1,500 newlyweds, commented: "The stresses and strains of modern life mean we don’t always have the time to be as romantic as we would perhaps like to be.


"Busy lives and hectic schedules mean we have fewer hours in the day for romance – however our study shows women do still want the ‘picture perfect proposal’ – and it's not only picking the perfect engagement ring that counts.


“The location, atmosphere and little details that mean a lot to them really make a proposal personal and truly special, and as it’s a once in a lifetime occasion it’s well worth making the effort."


十大热门求婚地点 猜猜第一名是哪里?

Top 10 modern proposal destinations


1. At home – 49%

1. 家中-49%

2. On a day out – 7%

2. 出门约会-7%

3. On holiday abroad – 6%

3. 出国度假-6%

4. The local pub – 6%

4. 当地酒吧-6%

5. On holiday in the UK – 5%

5. 国内度假-6%

6. In the car – 5.5%

6. 车内-5.5%

7. At a restaurant – 4.5%

7. 餐厅-4.5%

8. In the garden – 2%

8. 花园-2%

9. On the beach – 2%

9. 沙滩-2%

10. In a Hotel – 1%

10. 酒店-1%


From tall and slim to petite and curvy - and everything in between - women across the globe come in all shapes and sizes.


But now a new debate has been sparked about the 'ideal female shape' on Q&A site Quora.


One user asked members to comment on what the perfect body type is - based on which country users were from and what they personally preferred.


According to the responses, here are the ideal types for each country...


USA 美国

American Ryan reveals: 'In my country, I think the standard image of beauty is probably the same as in many other places; tall, curvy, blonde and blue eyes (though light brown eyes are also really popular), and either fair skin or tanned.'



Perhaps the most unusual description comes from Nat in China, who says: 'The skinnier the better. A4 challenge is a "thing", iPhone 6 challenge is also a "thing".'


The A4 challenge is when women aspire to have a torso the width of an A4 sheet of paper and the iPhone6 challenge sees them seeking legs that are as slim as an iPhone 6.



An Egyptian user named Ahmed notes that historically 'curvy, large breasted women' are deemed to be the most attractive in his country.



Stanislav, who describes himself as a 'problem solving maniac', believes that the best female body type for most males in his home country is 'tall, tight body, slim and big boobs.'



Nadège swoops in for Switzerland and she advises that 'rather thin women, middle-tall, more with brown hair than blonde, fair eyes usually' are deemed the most attractive in her country.



Mona Tauqir, who describes herself as a 'human resource practitioner and psychology enthusiast', says the ideal woman in her neck of the woods has a 'shapely waist and hips' but is 'petite' and has a busty F-cup.


UK 英国

Alec insists that 'petite, not too skinny, large (but not ridiculous) breasts and shapely curves' are the ideal in the UK. He also says that a height of about 5ft 7in is the ideal in Great Britain.



An anonymous user from Bangladesh says that women must be at least 5ft 2in tall and have dense and black hair, big black eyes and 'non-thin eyebrows'. He also says he rates a sharp nose and a 'moderately curvy physique.'


The user also shed some light on what type of personality he thinks men from his country deem attractive, revealing: 'modest and courtly personality and lifestyle is ideal'.



Another anonymous user said the French ideal is a 'mix of fashion model standard beauty with a girl-next-door kind of vibe', adding that they can 'even be tomboy'.


The user concluded: 'Big boobs are overrated, small t.s for the win.'



petite: 娇小的

courtly: 典雅的,文雅的


★ 2020中考历史备考策略的资料总结


