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IPhone sales have fallen for the first time, as the global smartphone market grew at its slowest rate in eight years.


Sales of Apple's high-end smartphones suffered their first ever year-on year decline of 4.4 per cent, according to market analyst Gartner.


South Korean rival Samsung market share also slipped throughout the year to 22.5 per cent, a decline of 2.2 per cent, but was enough to maintain its position as the world's most popular smartphone vendor. In total, Samsung shipped around 320 million units throughout 2015 globally, compared to Apple's 225 million - some 15.9 per cent of the market.


Consequently Apple's share of the smartphone operating system market also fell, from 20.4 per cent in the final months of 2014 to 17.7 per cent in the third quarter of 2015.


Google's Android share rose 4.7 per cent from 76 per cent the previous year to 80.7 per cent in 2015.


The statistics are indicative of the wider slowdown in smartphone sales, as consumers in developed markets own more smartphones and tablets than ever before, and are replacing them at a slower rate than in the past. Weak international currency and fears of economic slowdown - particularly in China - are also contributing factors.


In total, around 1.4 billion smartphones were shipped last year, which, while a 9.4 per cent rise over the same period in 2014, was the slowest rate of growth in the sector since its early days in 2008.


Chinese vendor Huawei was the year's success story after increasing its sales by 53 per cent, making it the world's third-largest vendor. Huawei previously announced it sold more than 100 million smartphones during 2015, a figure Gartner places at around 104 million.


Fellow China-based brand Xiaomi's sales were revealed to be worse than predicted, after the company claimed to have sold more than 70 million units during 2015, down from its previous estimate of 80 million, which had been revised from the original projection of 100 million. According to Gartner, the company sold closer to 65 million smartphones.


The 'others' band, which includes LG, HTC, Sony and BlackBerry, accounted for just under 45 per cent of the total market in 2015, selling some 635 million phones.


Mobile World Congress, the world's largest mobile phone symposium, is set to kick off in Barcelona at the end of this week. New smartphones from Samsung, LG and Xiaomi are expected to invigorate this year's mobile release cycle, while Apple is widely rumoured to be preparing to launch a new entry-level handset called the iPhone 5se at a separate event on March 15, before going on sale three days later. The iPhone 7 is expected to be released in September.



Countless arguments have been waged over the superiority of one beverage over the other. But what does the scientific evidence say?


George Orwell may have written that “tea is one of the mainstays of civilization in this country” – but even we British have to acknowledge that our national drink is facing stiff competition from the espressos, cappuccinos, and lattes invading our shores.


Despite the dangers of wading into such a charged argument, BBC Future decided to weigh up the relative merits of each drink. There’s no accounting for taste, of course, but we have combed the scientific literature for their real, measurable effects on our body and mind.


The wake-up call


For many, the caffeine kick is the primary reason we choose either beverage; it’s the oil to our engines when we’re still feeling a bit creaky in the morning. Based purely on its composition, coffee should win hands down: a cup of tea has about half the dose (40 milligrams) of the stimulant caffeine that you would find in a standard cup of brewed filter coffee (80 to 115 milligrams). Yet this doesn’t necessarily reflect the jolt of the wake-up call.


Dosing subjects with either tea or coffee, one study found that both beverages left subjects feeling similarly alert later in the morning.


Verdict: Against logic, tea seems to provide just as powerful a wake-up call as coffee. It’s a draw.


Sleep quality


The biggest differences between coffee and tea may emerge once your head hits the pillow.


Comparing people drinking the same volume of tea or coffee over a single day, researchers at the University of Surrey in the UK confirmed that although both drinks lend similar benefits to your attention during the day, coffee drinkers tend to find it harder to drop off at night – perhaps because the higher caffeine content finally catches up with you.


Tea drinkers, in contrast, had longer and more restful slumbers.


Verdict: Tea offers many of the benefits of coffee, without the sleepless nights – a clear win.


Tooth staining


Along with red wine, coffee and tea are both known to turn our pearly whites a murky yellow and brown. But which is worse?


Most dentists seem to agree that tea’s natural pigments are more likely to adhere to dental enamel than coffee’s – particularly if you use a mouthwash containing the common antiseptic chlorhexidine, which seems to attract and bind to the microscopic particles.


Verdict: If you want a perfect smile, coffee may be the lesser of two evils.


A balm for troubled souls…


In England, it’s common to give “tea and sympathy” to a distressed friend – the idea being that a cup of Earl Grey is medicine for troubled minds. In fact, there is some evidence that tea can soothe your nerves: regular tea drinkers do tend to show a calmer physiological response to unsettling situations (such as public speaking), compared to people drinking herbal infusions. Overall, people who drink three cups a day appear to have a 37% lower risk of depression than those who do not drink tea.


Coffee doesn’t have the same reputation; indeed, some report that it makes them feel like their nerves are jangling. Yet there is some evidence that it too may protect against long-term mental health problems. A recent “meta-analysis” (summarising the results of studies involving more than 300,000 participants) found that each cup of coffee a day seems to reduce your risk of developing depression by around 8%. In contrast, other beverages (such as sweetened soft drinks) only increase your risk of developing mental health problems.


Verdict: Based on this limited evidence, it’s a draw.


…and a balm for bodies……


Similarly tantalising, though preliminary, epidemiological studies have suggested that both coffee and tea offer many other health-giving benefits. A few cups of either beverage a day appears to reduce your risk of diabetes, for instance.


Both drinks also seem to moderately protect the heart, although the evidence seems to be slightly stronger for coffee, while tea also appears to be slightly protective against developing a range of cancers – perhaps because of its antioxidants.


Verdict: Another draw – both drinks are a surprising, health-giving elixir.


Overall verdict: Much as we Brits would have liked tea to come out the clear victor, we have to admit there is little between the two drinks besides personal taste. Based solely on the fact that it allows you to get a better night’s sleep, we declare tea the winner.



pigment: 色素

dental enamel: 牙釉质

antioxidant: 抗氧化剂

elixir: 万能药

托福阅读背景之“Earl Grey Tea”

Earl Grey is a blend of Indian and Sri Lankan teas. Although considered a specific type or variety of tea, today, any black tea with bergamot flavor added is considered an Earl Grey tea.

The Earl Grey blend is named after Charles Grey, the second Earl Grey of Howick (1764-1845), who was one of the leading British statesmen of the late 18th Century and early 19th Century. Charles Grey was once in charge of the British Navy and went on to become Foreign Secretary. In 1830, he became Prime Minister and presided over the introduction of the Great Reform Act of 1832. The following year, his government abolished slavery throughout the British Empire. But despite these historic achievements, Earl Grey’s name is best known today because of the delicious, delicate, fragrant beverage named in his honour.

There are differing accounts of the origin of Earl Grey tea, but the most popular goes as follows. During his reign as Prime Minister, Earl Grey sent a diplomatic mission to China, where one of the envoys Grey sent saved the life of a Chinese. In gratitude, the Chinese sent the Earl a specially-scented tea. Earl Charles Grey was then reputed to have demanded his tea supplier in London to recreate the tea for him, and the taste became fashionable, eventually spreading worldwide.

The Ingredients of Earl Grey Tea

Despite its reputed Chinese origins, Earl Grey tea doesn’t contain China tea. It is a blend of Indian and Sri Lankan black teas, flavoured with oil of bergamot. The oil is extracted from the peel of the bergamot orange, which is grown mainly in the Calabria region of Italy. Bergamot oil is also commonly used inaromatherapy. Unlike green teas, black teas undergo a full fermentation process, which causes the leaves to turn black and gives them their flavour.

Lady Grey Tea

Lady Grey tea was named after Mary Elizabeth Grey, the wife of Charles Grey. Lady Grey tea is a variation on the more famous Earl Grey blend. It consists of green China tea scented with oil of bergamot, lemon peel and orange peel.

How to Serve Earl Grey Tea

Many people prefer to enjoy Earl Grey without milk and with a slice of lemon. They find that the tang ofcitrus that comes from the oil of bergamot makes Earl Grey tea particularly suited to being served with lemon.

Some others prefer their Earl Grey on its own, with nothing added. It’s all a matter of personal taste. But one thing that most Earl Grey enthusiasts can probably agree upon is that the tea should be left to stand for at least two or three minutes after the boiling water has been added, in order for its full flavour to emerge.

Resist that tempting aroma for a couple of minutes, and let your Earl Grey tea brew. It’s well worth the wait.













aromatherapy 芳香疗法,指用天然物质萃取出的油脂、香料等治疗皮肤病的方法

tang 强烈的味道

citrus 柑橘属植物


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