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托福阅读常见语法现象解读 ,分词用法全面介绍。今天小编给大家带来了托福阅读常见语法现象解读,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

托福阅读常见语法现象解读 分词用法全面介绍

1. 分词的独立主格结构



The meeting being over, they went home.

There being no bus then, he had to walk home.


With prices going up so fast, we can’t afford luxuries.

He kept the money without anyone knowing where it was.


Here are the first two volumes, the third one to come out next month.

He came into the classroom, book in hand.

2. 分词做状语



Asked why he was late, he went red.

Given more time, we could have done it better.

3. 分词做状语与独立主格结构(悬垂结构)做状语的区别


Seen from the sky, the mountain is very small.

Everything considered, I prefer the first plan.

4. 英语中有一部分分词短语,它独立存在,没有自己的逻辑主语。这些分词短语已成为固定的习惯用语,常被看做句子的插入语


generally speaking

strictly(honestly/frankly/roughly/broadly) speaking


judging from/by…

talking all/everything into consideration

5. 现在分词和过去分词的区别




I heard someone closing the door.

I heard the door closed.



falling leaves

fallen leaves











看一道托福考试官方指南里的一篇文章《Desert Formation》中的题目:

There is little doubt, however, that desertification in most areas results primarily from human activities rather than natural processes. The semiarid lands bordering the deserts exist in a delicate ecological balance and are limited in their potential to adjust to increased environmental pressures. Expanding populations are subjecting the land to increasing pressures to provide them with food and fuel. In wet periods, the land may be able to respond to these stresses. During the dry periods that are common phenomena along the desert margins, though, the pressure on the land is often far in excess of its diminished capacity, and desertification results.

The word “delicate” in the passage is closest in meaning to

















The semiarid lands bordering the deserts exist in a delicate ecological balance and are limited in their potential to adjust to increased environmental pressures.




and连接的逻辑其实非常简单易懂,就是前后方向相同。举一个烂大街的例子:I love you and you love me.我爱你,你爱我,我们相爱。所以从逻辑角度我们判断,后半句如果说“潜能受限”是一个不太乐观的情况,那么反推前半句,这种“生态平衡”应该也是不乐观的。简单来说,后面“坏”词,前面也不能是“好”词。



我们再来看TOEFL Practice Online中一篇文章《The Long-Term Stability of Ecosystems》里的一道题:

Ecologists are especially interested to know what factors contribute to the resilience of communities because climax communities all over the world are being severely damaged or destroyed by human activities. The destruction caused by the volcanic explosion of Mount St. Helens, in the northwestern United States, for example, pales in comparison to the destruction caused by humans. We need to know what aspects of a community are most important to the community’s resistance to destruction, as well as its recovery.

The word “pales” in the passage is closest in meaning to

○increases proportionally


○loses significance

○is common


The destruction caused by the volcanic explosion of Mount St. Helens, in the northwestern United States, for example, pales in comparison to the destruction caused by humans.


这句话的逻辑关系也极其明确,就是in comparison to“对比”关系。那要想知道“人类引起的毁坏”和“火山喷发引起的毁坏”相比到底是什么样,更重还是更轻,这一句话提供的信息还不够。这句话给出了“for example”给上文举例子,不妨向上多看一句:

Ecologists are especially interested to know what factors contribute to the resilience of communities because climax communities all over the world are being severely damaged or destroyed by human activities.

翻译一下:生态学家特别想知道什么因素会导致生态群落的恢复,因为全世界的顶级群落(climax communities)都正在经历人类严重地破坏和摧毁。


再来看四个选项,选择“loses significance”就不会感到奇怪了。而我们背pale这个单词的时候是绝对不会把这个意思和“lose significance”联系到一块儿的,这就是逻辑关系在真正解题过程中的妙处。


moving – moved disappointing - disappointed

exciting – excited surprising – surprised


I found him seated at the back of the classroom.

Lose in the forest, he had to find his way out first.


今天就想和大家分享一下阅读推理题中涉及到的一种逻辑推理关系 — 类比关系,此类逻辑关系一般出现在对比类的文段中。即文章中出现A,B两个比较对象, A与B有相同特征,于是我们可以根据A的特证来推断B也有相同的特征。举个例子:像小明一样,小红爱吃西瓜,于是乎我们可以从这句话里推断出不仅小红爱吃西瓜,小明也爱吃。接下去,我们就来看看这种逻辑关系在推理题中的应用。

Paragraph 1: When it comes to physiology, the leatherback turtle is, in some ways, more like a reptilian whale than a turtle. It swims farther into the cold of the northern and southern oceans than any other sea turtle, and it deals with the chilly waters in a way unique among reptiles.

What can be inferred about whales from paragraph 1?

A . They are considered by some to be reptiles.

B. Their bodies are built in a way that helps them manage extremely cold temperatures.

C .They are distantly related to leatherback turtles.

D .They can swim farther than leatherback turtles.

这道题目,题干问我们根据第二段的内容我们可以对鲸鱼作出何种推断,于是乎我们根据解题技巧快速回到文中搜索定位词whales, 找到以下这句话 ”the leatherback turtle is, in some ways, more like a reptilian whale than a turtle.” 这句话告诉我们leatherback turtle更像爬行的whales, 虽然此句没有直接提到whales的特征,但我们可以根据刚刚提到的类比关系做一步逻辑推断啊。既然leatherback turtle很像whales, 那么leatherback turtle的特征也应该就是whales的特征,因此我们只要找到leatherback turtle的描述信息即可发现whales的特征。原文最后一句话提到, leatherback turtle会游到寒冷的南北海洋并且有特殊的处理冰水的能力。于是乎我们可以得出whales也有相同特征。答案对应B选项。


Buck rubs also have a scent. These odors make buck rubs an important means of olfactory communication. Forehead rubbing by male deer on buck rubs presumably sends a great deal of information to other members of the same species. The presence of many well-marked rubs is indicative of older, higher-status males being in the general vicinity rather than simply being a crude measure of relative deer abundance in a given area. The information conveyed by the olfactory signals on a buck rub make it the social equivalent of some auditory signals in other deer species, such as trumpeting by bull elk.

What can be inferred from paragraph 4 about the trumpeting of bull elk?

A.Trumpeting by higher-status bull elk signals their presence to other members of their species.

B.Bull elk need to combine trumpeting with olfactory signals to covey information about their identity.

C.Trumpeting alerts white-tailed deer to the presence of bull elk in their vicinity.

D.Trumpeting provides a better measure of deer presence in a given area than buck rubs do.

此题问我们,根据第四段我们可以对trumpeting of bull elk做出怎样的推断。根据关键词trumpeting of bull elk我们快速找到原文最后一个单词。既然是出现在文章的最后位置,那我们只好去往前推了。而前句又提到了一个我们非常熟悉的逻辑关系—─类比关系。来看这句话 The information conveyed by the olfactory signals on a buck rub make it the social equivalent of some auditory signals in other deer species, such as trumpeting by bull elk.这句话告诉我们buck rub发出的olfactory signal和trumpeting of bull elk发出的auditory signal有相同的社会作用。根据前文我们知道buck rub可以反映年长雄鹿在鹿群里的社会地位。于是乎我们便可以做进一步推理,即trumpeting of bull elk也应该有相似地功能。


托福阅读: 浅谈托福阅读答案选项的设置


句子简化题 sentence simplification,

细节题 factual information,

排除题 negative factual information

1. 正确答案选项的设置


1 同义词替换

2 正话反说/反话正说(例题1.D)

例题1:(摘录于TPO8R2,Extinction of the Dinosaurs)

...Data from diverse sources, including geochemical evidence preserved in seafloor sediments, indicate that theLate Cretaceous climate was milder than today’s. The days were not too hot, nor the nights too cold. The summers were not too warm, nor the winters too frigid. The shallow seas on the continents probably buffered the temperature of the nearby air, keeping it relatively constant.

1.According to paragraph 1,which of the following is true of the Late Cretaceous climate?

A.Summers were very warm and winters were very cold.

B.Shallow seas on the continents caused frequent temperature changes.

C.The climate was very similarto today’s climate.

D.The climate did not change dramatically from season to season.


3 句型改变(例题2.C)

例题2:(摘录于官方指南116页,Swimming Machines)

A bluefin tuna in water of 7°C (45°F) can maintain a core temperature of over 25°C (77°F). This warm body temperature may help not only the muscles to work better, but also the brain and the eyes.The billfishes have gone one step further. They have evolved special"heaters" of modified muscle tissue that warm the eyes and brain, maintaining peak performance of these critical organs.

10. Which of the following is true of bluefin tunas?

A.Their eyes and brain are more efficient than those of any other fish.

B.Their body temperature can change greatly depending on the water temperature.

C.They can swim in waters that are much colder than their own bodies.

D.They have special muscle tissue that warms their eyes and brain.


丨B.原文信息的抽象扩大(例题3. B)

例题3:(摘录于官方指南103页,Artisans and Industrialization)

Apprentices were considered part of the family, and masters were responsible not only for teaching their apprentices a trade but also for providing them some education and for supervising their moral behavior.

A.Masters demanded moral behavior from apprentices but often treated them irresponsibly.

B.The responsibilities of the master to the apprentice went beyond the teaching of a trade.

C.Masters preferred to maintain the trade within the family by supervising and educating the younger family members.

D.Masters who trained members of their own family as apprentices demanded excellence from them.



丨A. 与原文不相关的内容:

1 文章没出现的信息(例题3. C/D)

C.Masters preferred to maintain the trade within the family by supervising and educating the younger family members.

D.Masters who trained members of their own family as apprentices demanded excellence from them.

解析:文章没提到family member这一概念。

2 出现文章没提到的多余关系


丨B. 与原文矛盾的内容:

1 显形逻辑联系词:

1.1答案选项的逻辑重心与原文不匹配(although a,b不等于b,but a)

1.2答案选项与原文逻辑相悖(例题3. A)

A.Masters demanded moral behavior from apprentices but often treated them irresponsibly.

解析:文章的确出现了but一词,但是属于not only...but also的部分内容,因此本身不具有转折关系,选项A出现了与原文并列递进相悖的逻辑关系。

2 动词变化(例题1.B/例题2.B)

The shallow seas on the continents probably buffered the temperature of the nearby air, keeping it relatively constant.

B.Shallow seas on the continents caused frequent temperature changes.

解析:文章出现的buffer这一词,同学如果不认识,只看到shallow sea和temperature有关联,而B选项也有关系,造成误选。buffer意思为缓冲,即使不认识,也可以根据 keeping it relatively constant 伴随做结果状语理解肯定不是B选项的改变巨大。

3 指代关系(例题2.D)

The billfishes have gone one step further.They have evolved special "heaters" of modified muscle tissue that warm the eyes and brain, maintaining peak performance of these criticalorgans.

D.They have special muscle tissue that warms their eyes and brain.

解析:题干问bluefin tuna 因此答案选项D的指代词they指代金枪鱼,而文章内部的确出现答案选项D的大致对应,只不过文章内部they是之前的billfishes.

4 反义词和否定含义词(例题1.A)

The summers were not too warm, nor the winters too frigid.

A.Summers were very warm and winters were very cold.


丨C. 观点不匹配:比较级/最高极/绝对词(例题2.A)

A bluefin tuna in water of 7°C (45°F) can maintain a core temperature of over3 25°C (77°F). This warm body temperature may help not only the muscles to work better, but also the brain and the eyes.

A.Their eyes and brain are more efficient than those of any other fish.



例题4:(摘录于TPO3R2,The Depletion of the Ogalalla Aquifer)

Paragraph 1:The vast grasslands of the High Plains in the central United States were settled by farmers and ranchers in the 1880’s. This region has asemiarid climate, and for 50 years after its settlement, it supported alow-intensity agricultural economy of cattle ranching and wheat farming. In the early twentieth century, however, it was discovered that much of the High Plains was underlain by a huge aquifer (a rock layer containing large quantities of groundwater).This aquifer was named the Ogallala aquifer after the Ogallala Sioux Indians,who once inhabited the region.

1.According to paragraph 1, which of the following statements about the High Plains is true?

A. Until farmers and ranchers settled there in the 1880’s, the High Plains had never been inhabited.

B. The climate of the High Plains is characterized by higher-than-average temperatures.

C. The large aquifer that lies underneath the High Plains was discovered by the Ogallala Sioux Indians.

D. Before the early 1900’sthere was only a small amount of farming and ranching in the High Plains.

解析:这里虽然有only一词,但是其含义和原文的a low-intensity agriculture economy 低产量的农业不矛盾,故正确。


