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理解词义,顾名思义即是弄清楚文中不认识的生词的具体含义。在第一遍看文章时,我们重点在于做题,所以都是快速阅读,即skim加上scan。此时若遇到生词都是根据上下文(context)去猜测词义。而精读时,对于第一遍不认识的单词要全部用字典查出意思,即刚才猜测出大概含义的词汇,并且要整理到单词本上去。当然对于这些生词考生们实际上是要区别对待的。有些比较生僻的话题词汇只要认知就好,不需要掌握具体用法,比如C9T1P1文章中A 段第六行有个单词cog, 解释为钝齿,这个单词词义特殊,且在文中跟题目没有必然联系,不影响做题,属于较生僻的词汇,看到能通过上下文推测出含义即可,不需要死记硬背。而另一些词汇,尤其是动词,要掌握它们的具体用法包括搭配,以期能在自己的写作中加以灵活运用。例如文中E段第四行有个动词addressed, 考生们掌握的都是这个单词的名词含义“地址”,虽然通过上下文不难推测出是“提出”的意思,但是该词要怎么用则需要结合字典包括文中例句更好地理解。文中说questions that would have to be addressed by the global community before any reply could be sent,考生写作文时也可以借鉴一下,例如想表达某人提出观点,就可以说someone addressed that。此外,文中经常会出现一些同义词,考生可以将这些词整理下来,因为同义替换是雅思阅读考察的一个重点,通过对这些同义词的整理,我们不仅可以知道考试常考的同义替换,同时也能借鉴到自己的写作当中去,毕竟词语多样性是写作评分标准之一。例如文章中表示外星人时,用到的词和表达有extra- terrestrial intelligence, alien civilization, other life form等,这种类似的同义替换在雅思阅读文章中经常出现,考生们还可以精读一下剑桥真题8 Test 3 Passage 2。


单词理解好了,下一步自然就是理解句子。雅思阅读中经常会出现一些长难句,而有些考生一看到这些,就立马神经紧张,不知道如何下手了。大多数长难句只是外形吓人,其实是个纸老虎。例如文章A段最后一句话It is even possible that the older civilization may pass on the benefits of their experience in dealing with threats to survival such as nuclear war and global pollution, and other threats that we haven’t yet discovered. 乍一看,有好几个that, 看上去较复杂,但其实我们要做的事情就是提炼主干,找出主谓宾。这句话主语是it, 谓语is, that引导的是一个主语从句,一直到句尾,这样句子大意即是较老的文明也许能够将他们处理威胁的经验传播下去。而在主语从句中又出现两个threats 的并列,这两个threats的定语也值得借鉴,第一个是用to do结构做定语,而第二个threats则是用that引导的定语从句,这点符合我们写作评分标准中的句型多样化,非常值得学习。



当词语句型都看懂之后,第三步就是学习研究文章结构了。西方的学术文章大体遵循总分总或者总分的结构,即introduction, main body, summary三部曲或者introduction, main body二重奏。而文章的每个段落也遵循这个结构。研究文章结构的目的是为了能从宏观上把握文章的布局特点,这样下次读雅思文章时能快速定位答案,尤其是 list of headings这个题型,同时也对于写作起到参考作用。这篇文章第一段交待了话题背景,即为什么要寻找外星生命,主题段落即B,C,D,E四段介绍了寻找外星生命的一些尝试及方法,以及可能出现的结果。而在每段内部,基本也遵循这个结构原则,例如B段,第一句即是主旨句,概括了该段的大意。理解了学术文章的写作特点,我们在今后的阅读练习中可以加以灵活运用,节约做题时间,提高解题正确率。



Beer and fried chicken — this seemingly unorthodox combo has been the most sought after late-night snack recently in Yang Xiaoqian’s dormitory on the campus of Central China Normal University.


“All of a sudden, on the tables of many dorms and in Weibo and Weixin (or WeChat) updates, the combo went viral,” says Yang, 19, a Chinese literature major at the university in Wuhan, Hubei province.


Thanks to a South Korean drama currently on air, Man From the Stars, this new mix-and-match junk food trend has become popular among young audiences, despite its unhealthy nature.


Indeed, South Korean TV dramas, or K-drama for short, have been a major force in the South Korean pop-culture wave that has captured the hearts of young Chinese audiences.


According to iQiyi, a video website that features Man From the Stars, by Feb 15, the number of views for the TV drama hit a whopping 370 million in China, where the drama claimed four out of five hot topics spots on TV and on Sina Weibo on the same day.


Yan Feng, professor of Chinese literature at Fudan University, in an interview with Shanghai Morning Post, believes the new wave of South Korean drama is trying to attract a wider audience.


“It is interesting to explore what elements of those dramas appeal to audiences. It’s obviously more than just pretty faces and cool poses,” says Yan.


Echoed by audiences, culture critics, academics and insiders of the industry, youth fantasy, creative storylines, cultural proximity, and well-organized production all add up to K-drama’s recipe for success, along with, of course, those handsome and cute faces dressed in the latest fashion trends.


Pretty faces and fashion


“Everyone fancies a perfect partner, handsome or beautiful,” says Zhou Ying, professor of TV production at Chongqing Technology and Business University. “The South Korean TV industry is feeding this need.” After Lee Min-ho entered the spotlight for his hit show The Inheritors and appeared on CCTV’s annual Spring Festival gala, he became the most famous South Korean in China. Only weeks later, Kim Soo-hyun, lead actor in Man From the Stars, swept the country.


“It reinforces the fantasy among young people with faces designed for viewers across the spectrum: the next door girl; the rebellious, sophisticated woman; the mature gentleman; little-brother faces. You name it,” says Zhou. “Idol making keeps updating the fantasies among fans and it intentionally caters to each generation’s tastes.”


Apart from pretty faces, fashion is another highlight of the series. Each time actors from the series wear a new set of outfits, similar clothes experience a sales spike online, according to Xiao Yi, a Taobao store owner based in Beijing.


Zhou says that besides economic gains for South Korean appliances, make-up, food and fashion items, those pretty faces are re-constructing South Korea’s national image.


“South Korea is imagined in accordance with those depictions in TV dramas, which is good national branding,” says Zhou.


Creative narrations


With love triangles, incurable diseases, and Cinderella tales, storylines in South Korean dramas may seem a bit commonplace. The Man From the Stars challenges this norm by integrating aliens and time travel into these existing narrations.


Peng Sanyuan, a Beijing-based screenwriter, says a focus on detail is a key factor in the success of these dramas.


“In order to accurately target audiences and find emotional resonance with them, more and more female writers are emerging in the industry,” says Peng about her experience of exchanging ideas with South Korean colleagues.


Ma Ke, from Sohu.com, compares K-drama and Japanese drama. “Dramatic twists are more frequent in K-dramas, while urban love stories, a common theme, are often innovated by, for example, adding an alien,” says Ma. “That gives a sense of freshness to people who just want to know how everything is sorted out in such an impossible plot.”


According to both experts, South Korean writers somehow make sense of these plots, no matter how unlikely it seems.


由“想你“的疯兔子朴甜甜主演的three days接档,three days是发生在青瓦台警卫员中的故事,讲述了3天时间内发生的事。该剧讲述韩国总统度在度假时神秘失踪,朴有天饰演韩泰京的总统护卫在寻找总统时发现事件背后有着更大阴谋的故事。剧中所饰演的是风声都不放过的警卫室精英警卫“韩泰京”一角,预计将展现出男性魅力。将在3月5日SBS首播,3月6日凌晨优酷土豆双平台在内地同步独播。


A boy shivers in the harsh Oslo winter, pathetically wrapping his arms around himself on a bus stop bench. He isn't wearing a coat and temperatures in the Norwegian capital regularly plunge to -10C during winter.


A heartbreaking scene, but the actions of the ordinary people who witnessed the plight of 11 year old Johannes Lønnestad Flaaten is both joyous and inspiring.


A young blonde woman who sat next to the boy and notices him rubbing his arms. She immediately asks him: 'Don't you have a jacket?'


'No, someone stole it,' he replies. She questions him and discovers he was on a school trip and was told to meet his teacher at the bus stop. She asks him the name of his school and where he's from as she selflessly drapes her own coat around his shoulders.

“没有,有人把我的外套偷走了,” 他回答道。女孩问过他了解到他是在上学的路上,在公交车站是在等自己的老师。她问了学校的名字,知道他的来历,很无私地把自己的外套脱下来披在他的肩膀上。

Later, another older woman at first gives him her scarf, then wraps him in her large padded jacket.


Throughout the day, more and more people offered Johannes their gloves and even the coats off their backs as they waited for their bus.


Johanne's predicament was a hidden camera experiment by Norwegian charity SOS Children’s Village as part of their winter campaign to gather donations to send much-needed coats and blankets to help Syrian children get through the winter. Many of the refugees have left their homes without winter clothing.


"People should care as much about children in Syria as they care about this boy," Synne Rønning, the information head of SOS Children's Villages Norway, told The Local. She also noted that the child was a volunteer who was never in any danger during the filming.

挪威SOS儿童村的信息负责人罗宁对当地电视台表示:“人们应该像关心这个小男孩一样,关注叙利亚的儿童们。” 她也表示在拍摄过程中,志愿者小男孩并没有任何危险。


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★ 高一英语阅读理解及答案

★ 如何快速阅读英语文章

★ 考研英语微观、宏观阅读技巧

★ 2018年6月英语六级阅读理解-4附翻译

★ 2020年中考英语阅读

★ 高一英语短篇阅读理解试题

★ 高考英语阅读理解长难句的处理技巧

★ 高一学习英语的兴趣必须要扩展阅读

★ 精选高三英语复习计划三篇


