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掌握逻辑学会策略 ,雅思阅读才能飞一般的感觉。今天小编给大家带来了阅读掌握逻辑学会策略,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧

掌握逻辑学会策略 雅思阅读才能飞一般的感觉

在《剑桥雅思》的前言中,关于阅读有这样一段话: “The passages are on topics of general interest. At least one text contains detailed logical argument.” 据笔者观察,所有雅思文章都可以分为两大类:介绍性的学术说明文和论辩性的学术论文。说明文只是对一个既定的事实进行客观介绍和陈述,不包含argument,教科书就属于这一类;而学术论文通常针对一个悬而未决的问题,进行论证,继而提出解决方案,其过程就是提出问题、分析问题、解决问题。在雅思考试中,这类文章分为两种:实验论证和逻辑论证。



-Introduce a phenomenon or a fact.

-Detailed Description:

Timeline/Different Aspects/Logic Development

-Look into the future/Summary


在介绍类说明文中,中间断落是对事物细节的展开描述,各种话题可以通过三种不同方式展开。第一类时间顺序,通常用于陈述一个历史事件,例如剑五中的“Johnson’s Dictionary”就是这一类。第二类并列或递进,从各个侧面来介绍,例如剑四中的“What Do Whales feel?”,一看标题就知道是介绍鲸鱼各个感官的,属于并列结构。第三类是逻辑顺序,据笔者统计,环境自然类文章多依照这种顺序,下文对此会作详细评述,这里不再赘言。



-Introduce experiment

-Pre-experiment (Subjects, Tools, Methods)

-Experiment Process

-Result (Collecting Data)

-Analyses and Syntheses



-Introduce the topic/problem

-Literature Review (Optional)

-Present Causes/Reasons (optional)

-Writer’s Approach

-Supporting Evidences




1. 先读文章还是先看题目?



2. 主观题跟客观题的应对策略是相同的吗?

答案是否定的。主观题泛指所有非选择类型的题目,这类问题一般定位原文后,直接填写所缺词汇或句子即可。但要注意字数限制,常常在题目要求上都会黑体加粗,例如no more than 3 words,并且有可能句子会瘦身,这时候就要先确定所需词汇的词性,如果是介词短语,常常只留下中心词,也就是介词后面的那个词。而客观题,正确选项一般都是对原文的改写、同义句或者是内容概括,所以很多考生会在跟原文重合更多的选项中犹豫不决。转述的句子会包含单词的同义替换,但是不能改变原文的语气和程度,不过也不必用对待GMAT逻辑和语法部分的谨慎态度来细细挖掘同义句的每个部分是否合理,虽然可能做不到100%的精准,但是至少语义和作者态度倾向方面是符合原文,这样的选项都是可以的。如果在这期间有不确定的题目,不必纠结太多时间,暂时先搁置一边,做下面的题目,在阅读了更多段落之后,往往会自然而然的得到前面空着的题目答案。尤其是在长文章中常常出现的态度反转,可能会导致前面做过的某些题目出现错误,这时一定要即使更改,毕竟逐题作答之后,会留有较深的印象。


vertical-align:top;border-bottom:red 1.25pt solid;padding-bottom:0px;padding-top:0px;padding-left:0px;margin:0px;border-left:red 1.25pt solid;padding-right:0px;background-color:white;" bgcolor="white" height="311" width="591">1.明确主题。从文章题目、第一段内容、插图等获取信息;2.浏览问题。阅读题干,画关键词,如时间、地点、人名、地名、数字和特有名词等,做到有目的的阅读;3.边读边答。根据问题定位原文,按段落扫读,阅读与做题同步,精读每一段落的段首和段尾;4.完善答案。在对全文内容有了详细理解之后,看主旨题等是否需要进一步考虑,确认所有答案已经誊写在答题纸上。



When Denis Hennequin took over as the European boss of McDonald’s in January 2004,the world’s biggest restaurant chain was showing signs of recovery in America and Australia,but sales in Europe were sluggish or declining.One exception was France,where Mr Hennequin had done a sterling job as head of the group’s French subsidiary to sell more Big Macs to his compatriots.His task was to replicate this success in all 41 of the European countries where anti-globalisers’favourite enemy operates.


So far Mr Hennequin is doing well.Last year European sales increased by 5.8%and the number of customers by 3.4%,the best annual results in nearly 15 years.Europe accounted for 36%of the group’s profits and for 28%of its sales.December was an especially good month as customers took to seasonal menu offerings in France and Britain,and to a promotion in Germany based on the game of Monopoly.


Mr Hennequin’s recipe for revival is to be more open about his company’s operations,to be“locally relevant”,and to improve the experience of visiting his 6,400 restaurants.McDonald’s is blamed for making people fat,exploiting workers,treating animals cruelly,polluting the environment and simply for being American.Mr Hennequin says he wants to engage in a dialogue with the public to address these concerns.


He introduced“open door”visitor days in each country which became hugely popular.In Poland alone some 50,000 visitors came to McDonald’s through the visitors’programme last year.The Nutrition Information Initiative,launched last year,put detailed labels on McDonald’s packaging with data on calories,protein,fat,carbohydrates and salt content.The details are also printed on tray-liners.


Mr Hennequin also wants people to know that“McJobs”,the low-paid menial jobs at McDonald’s restaurants,are much better than people think.But some of his efforts have backfired:last year he sparked a controversy with the introduction of a“McPassport”that allows McDonald’s employees to work anywhere in the European Union.Politicians accused the firm of a ploy to make cheap labour from eastern Europe more easily available to McDonald’s managers across the continent.


To stay in touch with local needs and preferences,McDonald’s employs local bosses as much as possible.A Russian is running McDonald’s in Russia,though a Serb is in charge of Germany.The group buys mainly from local suppliers.Four-fifths of its supplies in France come from local farmers,for example.(Some of the French farmers who campaigned against the company in the late 1990s subsequently discovered that it was,in fact,buying their produce.)And it hires celebrities such as Heidi Klum,a German model,as local brand ambassadors.


In his previous job Mr Hennequin established a“design studio”in France to spruce up his company’s drab restaurants and adapt the interior to local tastes.The studio is now masterminding improvements everywhere in Europe.He also set up a“food studio”,where cooks devise new recipes in response to local trends.


Given France’s reputation as the most anti-American country in Europe,it seems odd that McDonald’s revival in Europe is being led by a Frenchman,using ideas cooked up in the French market.But France is in fact the company’s most profitable market after America.The market where McDonald’s is weakest in Europe is not France,but Britain.


“Fixing Britain should be his priority,”says David Palmer,a restaurant analyst at UBS.Almost two-thirds of the 1,214 McDonald’s restaurants in Britain are company-owned,compared with 40%in Europe and 15%in America.The company suffers from the volatility of sales at its own restaurants,but can rely on steady income from franchisees.So it should sell as many underperforming outlets as possible,says Mr Palmer.


M.Mark Wiltamuth,an analyst at Morgan Stanley,estimates that European company-owned restaurants’margins will increase slightly to 16.4%in 2007.This is still less than in the late 1990s and below America’s 18-19%today.But it is much better than before Mr Hennequin’s reign.He is already being tipped as the first European candidate for the group’s top job in Illinois.Nobody would call that a McJob.

Questions 1-6

Do the following statements reflect the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 1?

Write your answer in Boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.

TRUE if the statement reflects the claims of the writer

FALSE if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer

NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

1.McDonald was showing the sign of recovery in all European countries except France after Denis Hennequin took office as the boss of Euro-markets.

2.Starting from last year,detailed labels are put on McDonald’s packaging and detailed information is also printed on tray-liners.

3.France is said to be the most anti-American country in Europe,but the ideas of the“open door”visiting days and“McPassport”are invented in the French market.

4.Britain possesses the weakest McDonald market among European countries and approximately 1214 McDonald’s restaurants are company-owned.

5.According to David Palmer,a restaurant analyst at UBS,David Hennequin should treat the problem about McDonald in Britain as the most important thing.

6.David Palmer suggested that the management of McDonalod in Italy should sell as many its outlets which lose money in business as possible for revival.

Questions 7-10

Choose the appropriate letters A-D and write them in boxes 7-10 on your answe sheet.

7.The word“sterling”in line 3 of Paragraph A means__________.





8.Which of the following statements on the accusation of MacDonald is NOT TRUE?

A.It tends to make people fat.

B.Its operations are very vague.

C.It tends to exploit workers.

D.It tends to treat animals cruelly.

9.Which of the following measures taken by Denis Hennequin produced undesired result?

A.“Food Studio”scheme.

B.“Open Door”visitor days.


D.The Nutrition Information Initiative.

10.What did Denis Hennequin do so as to respond to local trends?

A.set up a“Food Studio”.

B.established a“Design Studio”.

C.hired celebrities as local brand ambassadors.

D.employed local bosses as much as possible.

Questions 11-14

Complete each of the following statements(Questions 11-14)with words or number taken from Reading Passage 1.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 11-14 on your answer sheet.

11.After January 2004,McDonald was making improvement following a period of slump in America and Australia,but sales in Europe were………………………….

12.Business of McDonald in France and Britain was particularly good in December since customers took to……………………………..

13.Compared with other countries,France is McDonald’s……………………….next to America.

14.…………………….of McDonald’s restaurants in America are companied–owned and the figure is much lower than that in Britain.Part II

Notes to Reading Passage 1


e.g.He has many sterling qualities.他身上有许多优秀的品质。


3.spruce up打扮整齐、漂亮、装饰


e.g.The police know who masterminded the robbery.警察知道是谁策划了那次抢劫。


Part III

Keys and explanations to the Questions 1-14


See the second sentence in Paragraph A“One exception was France,where Mr Hennequin had done a sterling job as head of the group’s French subsidiary to sell more Big Macs to his compatriots.His task was to replicate this success in all 41 of the European countries…”.


See the last sentence in Paragraph D“The Nutrition Information Initiative,launched last year,put detailed labels on McDonald’s packaging with data on calories,protein,fat,carbohydrates and salt content.The details are also printed on tray-liners.”


See Paragraph D,E and H“Given France’s reputation as the most anti-American country in Europe,it seems odd that McDonald’s revival in Europe is being led by a Frenchman,using ideas cooked up in the French market.”.


See the last sentence of Paragraph H and first sentence of Paragraph L“The market where McDonald’s is weakest in Europe is not France,but Britain…Almost two-thirds of the 1,214 McDonald’s restaurants in Britain are company-owned…”


See the first sentence of Paragraph I“Fixing Britain should be his priority,”says David Palmer,a restaurant analyst at UBS”.


See the last sentence of Paragraph I“So it should sell as many underperforming outlets as possible,says Mr Palmer”.


See the first sentence of Paragraph A“One exception was France,where Mr Hennequin had done a sterling job as head of the group’s French subsidiary to sell more Big Macs to his compatriots”.


See the second sentence of Paragraph D“McDonald’s is blamed for making people fat,exploiting workers,treating animals cruelly,polluting the environment”


See the second sentence of Paragraph E“But some of his efforts have backfired:last year he sparked a controversy with the introduction of a“McPassport”that allows McDonald’s employees to work anywhere in the European Union..”


See the last sentence of Paragraph G“He also set up a“food studio”,where cooks devise new recipes in response to local trends”.

11.sluggish or declining

See the first sentence of Paragraph A“When Denis Hennequin took over as the European boss of McDonald’s in January 2004,the world’s biggest restaurant chain was showing signs of recovery in America and Australia,but sales in Europe were sluggish or declining.”

12.seasonal menu offerings

See the last sentence of Paragraph B“December was an especially good month as customers took to seasonal menu offerings in France and Britain,and to a promotion in Germany based on the game of Monopoly”.

13.most profitable market

See the second sentence of Paragraph H“But France is in fact the company’s most profitable market after America”.


See the second sentence of Paragraph I“Almost two-thirds of the 1,214 McDonald’s restaurants in Britain are company-owned,compared with 40%in Europe and 15%in America”.


一、 考试概述:

本次考试的文章中又见两篇原题,所以关注考情还是有必要的,不过最重要的还是提高自己的基本功,以不变应万变。从题型上面分析,填空题及判断题依然是考查重点,题型涉及的还是比较全面的,不过本次考试没有考查list of headings这种题型。据考生反应,本次填空题出现了跳段现象,做起来比较消耗时间,所以,大家考试中还是要灵活一点。


Passage 1:

题目:Going Bananas





Going Bananas

A. The world’s favourite fruit could disappear forever in 10 years’ time. The banana is among the world’s oldest crops. Agricultural scientists believe that the first edible banana was discovered around ten thousand years ago. It has been at an evolutionary standstill ever since it was first propagated in the jungles of South-East Asia at the end of the last ice age. Normally the wild banana, a giant jungle herb called Musa acuminate, contains a mass of hard seeds that make the fruit virtually inedible. But now and then, hunter-gatherers must have discovered rare mutant plants that produced seed-less, edible fruits. Geneticists now know that the vast majority of these soft-fruited plants resulted from genetic accidents that gave their cells three copies of each chromosome instead of the usual two. This imbalance prevents seeds and pollen from developing normally, rendering the mutant plants sterile. And that is why some scientists believe the world’s most popular fruit could be doomed. It lacks the genetic diversity to fight off pests and diseases that are invading the banana plantations of Central America and the small-holdings of Africa and Asia alike.


