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he was a little, wrinkled, all skin and bones, old man and lived all alone. no one knew much about him. one day he got a bad cold and he called for a doctor.

while the doctor was examining the old man, he asked, "haven't you a trend who could come in to look after you?" "no, i have no friends--never had any." the old man replied. 给老人检查时,医生问:“你没有朋友来照看你吗?”“没有,我没有朋友——一直都没有。 ”老人回答。

"what you've lived in this village all your life and never had a friend! " ... "well, i am not ashamed to say that i am passed sixty-four years but i never met anyone i could call a friend for long.
“什么!你在村子里住了一辈子,居然从未有过一个朋友!” “活了64年却没有遇到一个值得长久交往的朋友,我没有什么不好意思地。他们不是这差。 就是那差。 ”

if it isn't one thing wrong with them, it's another" "come, come our village head mart, mr. li, will surely come to your aid if he knows you are sick i am sure you too know him."
“好啦,好啦!假如我们地村长李先生知道你病了,一定会来帮你地。 你一定知道他吧。 ” “没错, 我认识他,”

of course, i know him, " replied the old man, "but he is such a bore to hear him talk, you'd imagine the world had nothing in it but his wheat field and how wonderful and healthy his pigs are."
老人回答,“不过,他这个人很讨厌,跟他说话。你会觉得世界上除了他的麦田和他那壮实、健康的猪,就没有别的东西了。 ”

"then what about mr.ma who lives down the road?" "a more selfish fellow l ever came across, though admit he has got a head on him. he has traveled and read many books and he's mighty interesting to talk to.
“那么在这条街上住的马先生如何呢?”“虽然我承认他有点儿聪明,可他是我见过的最自私地家伙。 他四处旅行。 读过很多书,和他聊天会非常有意思。

he used to come in here a lot at one time. but he would come only when he felt like doing so and he would stay away for long periods of time.
有一段时间,他经常来我这里。不过。 他想来地时候才会来,并且会一连好长时间都不出现。

i don't call that neighborly. "the doctor laughed."you can't bring up anything against mr. zhou? everyone loves him." "you're right," agreed the old man. "
我可不喜欢他这样的邻居。 ” 医生只好笑了笑:“你说什么也不能找出周先生地毛病吧?所有人都喜欢他。 ”“你说地没错,”老人表示认可,

zhou would live on my doorstep if i let him he's a bit of a wit and rattling good company, but his noisy tongue makes my poor head ache."
“假如我愿意。 周先生会与我住得很近。 他很聪明,是个很好的伴儿。 可他说起话来地声音吵得我头疼。 ”

"i'm afraid you see so much of your neighbor's failings that you're blind to their virtues. you're a hard nut to crack, old many anyway, please call me if you need me.
“恐怕是你太注重邻居们地缺点而忽略了他们的优点。 老先生,给您服务可真难!无论如何,假如需要我地时候,你就叫我。

as a doctor i will attend to you regardless whether you like me or not" the doctor remarked as he took up his bag and hat to leave. the door banged and not a word of "thank you" was heard.
身为一名医生。 无论你喜不喜欢我。 我都会照看你的!” 医生说着就拿起帽子离开了。 门“嘣”的一声就关上了,老人连一句“谢谢”都没说。

