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—> _____ exerts such a profound effect on _____that _____.

满分词汇:尖端的技术—> cutting-edged(adj) technology意思是信息爆炸 —> information explosion/ information overload



高分句型:广告的正面影响—> For customers, advertising plays an imperative part in making them aware of the worth of the product or service...

满分词汇:实事—> current affairs充斥着...—> be awash with/ be inundated with.






—>With these problems and the effect _____ has exerted on _____,many people have begun to wonder _____.

满分词汇:生活节奏加速—> the tempo/pace of life has accelerated导致人与人的疏远—> create alienation between people


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

Your job has a greater effect on one’s overall happiness than your social life does.


Your job has more effects on happiness than your social life does.

题目大意: 你的工作要比你的社交生活对幸福影响更大。此题目涉及到抽象词“幸福”,可能小伙伴们会觉得有些难度,如果大家了解马斯洛的需求层次理论的话,本题目并不难,波波建议大家选择,两者对于幸福有同样的作用,因为工作满足了我们的物质需求,而社交生活满足了我们的社交需求。


There is no denying that happiness originates in the acts of meeting people's various needs. Nowadays some people claim that happiness is more affected by the job they owned than their social life. This is a popular misunderstanding. As far as I am concerned, social life and jobs have the equal role in making people feel happy, because they can respectively satisfy people's different needs.

On the one hand, a decent and well-paid job can provide us with a large amount of money, which could fulfill our material needs and improve our living standards. For example, with adequate financial resources we can live in a spacious and well-decorated house with six bedrooms and eight restrooms. We can travel around the world and visit the Forbidden City inChina, the Liberty Statue inAmericaand the Big Ben inBritain. In addition, such a good deal of money enables us to keep fit by having nutritious diet and mineral water transferred from the water source. Meanwhile, we can hire a personal doctor around the clock in case of any emergence of disease. We do not have to wait for a long time by standing in the long and crowed lines of patients in hospitals. All these things will definitely make us feel happy.

On the other hand, the important role of social life in helping us attain happiness can not be ignored. Confucius, one of the greatest philosophers and educators inChina, once remarked that it is a pleasant thing to meet with a friend from afar, which indicates that friendship is another source of happiness. Participation in social activities will enlarge our social circle and make us make acquaintance with more people. For example, if you are a bookworm, you can take part in readers' association where you will encounter a lot people who share a common interest. Chatting and talking with them will help form a deep friendship and make you have a better mood. The reason underlying the above example is that your need of communicating with others is met by participating in social life.

In conclusion, since happiness depends on the fulfillment of one's need, social life and jobs combines together to make us happy. It is an exaggeration to say that your job has more effects on happiness than your social life.


People tend to have different expectations out of a job, like personal satisfaction, higher pay, respect, and social recognition. Some people are so dedicated to their jobs that they barely have something fun life, while others tend to seek happiness outside of their professional life. Personally, I think my job has a greater impact on my overall happiness than my social life based on the following reasons.

First off, for professionals, especially newly minted college graduates, a job can provide them a great sense of satisfaction. When holding a job, one feels that he or she assumes great responsibility and has something offer back to the community regardless of ones’ positions, be it cashier, janitor, professor or even business managers. For instance, an Executive Officer can help to create jobs that benefit lots of people; chefs can create a new dish and release his creativity, at the same time customers will be amazed by his new dish; a professor gets a great sense of accomplishment when he imparts knowledge to his students or comes up a groundbreaking finding in a certain academic field. Though the happiness and satisfaction can be subtle in a working environment, nonetheless, it can be very contagious and eventually makes someone a satisfied person in life.

Additionally, holding a job can offer someone monetary incentive and it can also be an important source of motivation and happiness. Without a decent salary one cannot afford the daily necessities like paying rent, covering living expense, like utility bills, internet bills, to say nothing about living a comfortable life. A recent study on the correlation between monetary compensation and employee satisfactions published by Harvard Business Review suggests that higher financial reward affords great happiness in a working environment. Indeed, the monetary reward from the job can make someone very happy and give them a sense of achievement. With the salary, a young adult can have some disposable income and thus be more financially independent, buy things they like or take a trip somewhere.

In conclusion, a job can provide more happiness than one’s social life since career opportunities provide people a great sense of satisfaction and the monetary incentive associated with jobs can also be an important source of motivation and happiness.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: One can learn a lot about another person from the books and the movies that the person likes.


Spending a significant amount of time with someone is necessary to get to know their personalities and temperaments. Sometimes, people can also tell a person’s quality and determine his or her personality by analyzing their behaviors. When it comes to the question of whether one can learn about another person from the books or movies that the person likes, I personally am in favor of this statement based on the following reasons.

First off, by judging from the books or movies or even TV programs that someone like we can tell a person’s interests and hobbies, consequently we can learn more about them. For example, My roommate back in college was really into auto magazines, TV shows and even movies featuring fancy sports cars. At first, I didn’t know him so well to know his hobbies and interests, however, I was sure at that time that he must have been a big fan of cars. Indeed, my judgment was right and he was a car freak, he likes all kinds of vehicles like sedan, SUV, recreational vehicles, etc. It is not an exaggeration to claim that he can tell not only the brand but also the version of a specific vehicle by just checking out the picture of the cockpit of the car. Ultimately, we can tell a person’s hobbies by the movies and books they like.

Additionally, the genre of the books that someone reads says a lot about the person’s character and temperament. Actually, it is natural for someone to shape their characters just because the characters in the novels or movies have a dramatic impact on the person’s behavior and attitude, regardless of the types of the characters like fairy, alien or someone with superpower. For instance, girls who read a lot of romantic novels like Gone With the Wind might be very emotional and very committed to someone they love. For someone who read science fiction novels or watch movies featuring future events and exploration of outer space tend to be very creative and willing to take risks, to be more specific, they might be someone who friends can depend on when they got stuck in some sort of exploration.

For someone who likes to read classics of all times like the works by Jane Austen or Ernest Hemingway, they tend to cherish the simplicities and trivialities in lives.

In a nutshell, by judging from the genre of the book that someone reads, not only can we tell a lot about the person’s interests and hobbies but also the person's character and temperament.


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