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7月28日雅思写作真题:Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later, and it is often argued that these are the best people to talk to teenagers about the dangers of committing a crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?改过自新重回社会的犯人是教育青少年关于犯罪的危害性的最佳人员。你同意与否?

今天的考题是2015年8月8日的原题重现。看下当时的题目:Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later. Some people think that they are the best people to talk to school students about the danger of committing a crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?可见几乎一样。顺便提醒,雅思使用旧题,不管哪一科,一般是使用5-2年前的旧题,对于现在来说,就是使用13年到16年的题目。


One important part of teenagers’ education is turning them into law-abiding citizens by making them realise the dangers of committing crimes. The best way to do this, as many people would argue, is to have ex-prisoners, who have now become good citizens, talking to teenagers about their personal stories. While I think it may indeed be effective, it may also fail sometimes.

Obviously, ex-prisoners are in a better position than anybody else to let teenagers understand the consequences of violating the law. They were personally involved in crimes and know very well how much pain their behavior has inflicted upon the victims and their families. They also know very well how hard their life in prison was and what freedom really means. Compared with the lectures given by the law teachers, the personal stories shared by ex-prisoners are more direct, more powerful emotionally, and thus more effective as an educational tool.

Nevertheless, having a former prisoner standing face to face with a group of teenagers may be an awkward scenario in some cases. It is common for people, especially youngsters, to have a fear towards criminals, particularly those who have committed violent crimes. Very naturally, teenagers may develop a strong distrust of the former criminals and so they will not listen to their stories, however interesting these stories might be. That is why many schools would have policemen, instead of former prisoners, giving law lessons to their students, because to teenagers, policemen are much more trustworthy.

In conclusion, teenagers’ ability to tell right from wrong is important to themselves as well as the entire society. By listening to the personal stories of former prisoners, youngsters may be touched and become more conscious of the consequences of committing crimes, yet alternative measures should be found when this does not work out.

(302 words)







1. One important part of teenagers’ education is turning them into law-abiding citizens by making them realise the dangers of committing crimes.


2. Compared with the lectures given by the law teachers, the personal stories shared by ex-prisoners are more direct, more powerful emotionally, and thus more effective as an educational tool.


3. Very naturally, teenagers may develop a strong distrust of the former criminals and so they will not listen to their stories, however interesting these stories might be.


4. By listening to the personal stories of former prisoners, youngsters may be touched and become more conscious of the consequences of committing crimes, yet alternative measures should be found when this does not work out.



2018年7月28号雅思写作真题话题:Some people who have been in prison become citizens later. Some people think that they are the best people to talk to school students about the danger of committing a crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?已经成为良好市民的ex-prisioner,是最合适的人选,来教育学生关于犯罪的危害么?


看到题目中说the best,作为一个极限词,当然会本能的反对。这个词也算是该话题的题眼。

承认former prisoner的优势:


不觉得former prisoner好:





Some people believe that people who used to be prisoners are the best people who can persuade students to comply with laws. However, I cannot agree with this opinion.

Admittedly, rehabilitated offenders can share their experience in prison with students. For people who committed crimes impulsively, most of them feel regretful for their behavior, and from their stories, students can learn the consequences of committing crimes. For example, criminal records will make it difficult for people to reintegrate into the society. Nevertheless, there are better roles who can educate students on the topic of crime more effectively.

To begin with, parents may have a deeper impact on students. After all, not all people have a positive image of ex-prisoners, and some students are even afraid of them. However, parents have a more intimate relationship with their children, and most children will listen to what their parents say. Therefore, letting rehabilitated prisoners give speeches may make students frightened, while parents can educate their children in a more acceptable way.

In addition, inviting policemen is also an optimal choice. Compared to former prisoners, policemen are more familiar with laws, and they can tell students some details about laws. For example, students can realize that friendship is no more important than laws, and helping friends sell drugs also violates the law. Then, students can have a better understanding for obeying laws, including what they can do and what they should not do.

To sum up, parents and the police are better choices for educating students about the consequences of committing crimes, considering that parents are close to their children, and the police know details of laws.



Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later. Some people think that they are the best people to talk to school students about the danger of committing a crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

属于犯罪类话题;具体涉及到预防青少年犯罪的层面。考生在答题时需要注意题干中限定词 “the best”。若采取不同意的态度,则可以先承认其合理之处,但是有其他合适的人选。在写作过程中,犯罪类词汇表达也可能是考生存在的一个难点,因此平时务必注重该类话题词汇的积累。






Those rehabilitated ex-convicts are the best persons who could educate students on the severe consequence of perpetrating a crime, as some people argue. As far as I am concerned, I disagree with this viewpoint.

Admittedly, the former prisoners’ painful experience does serve the purpose well. The depression of being sentenced and punished as well as the torment of being isolated from society act as a deterrent to prevent teenagers from engaging in criminal wrongdoing, whereas those people are not the most suitable ones considering the fact that their stories are merely relevant to their personal sufferings rather than a comprehensive law education.

In this scenario, officials of law enforcement department and judge of the court are supposed to assist students in building up the awareness of abiding by the laws. Lawyers, for instance, are far more knowledgeable about the line between legal and illegal, imparting the common law concept to juveniles so as to stop them breaking laws due to ignorance. As for the judges, who are equipped with expertise in trial and arbitration, can emphasize the coercive power of law and the principle of equality under the law in order to eliminate adolescents’ idea of getting off. Therefore, it is indispensable to have both of them for school legal education.

In conclusion, even if the stories told by ex-prisoners have a deterrent impact on children who are curious about committing offences, I object to inviting them to educate students in school. From my perspective, experts dealing with law cases and sentences play a more significant role in helping children realize the danger of crimes.


rehabilitated恢复的;复原的 convict 囚犯 perpetrate a crime犯罪 be sentenced 被判决

torment折磨(精神) act as a deterrent 作为一个威慑物 criminal wrongdoing犯罪行为

in this scenario 在这种情况下 law enforcement department执法部门 abide by遵守

the line between legal and illegal合法与非法的界限 ignorance无知 expertise in专长于

trial审判 arbitration仲裁 the coercive power of law法律的强制性

the principle of equality under the law法律的公平性 get off逃脱(刑罚)

have a deterrent impact on对。。。有威慑作用 …, as some people argue 非限定定语从句

..., imparting …现在分词作结果状语 considering the fact that,…原因状语从句引导词


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