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今天小编给大家带来了雅思大作文7分范文:禁止儿童广告 ,希望能帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。


Nowadays a large amount of advertising is aimed at children. Some people think this can have negative effects on children and should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?





Advertisements aimed at children can be seen everywhere these days: TV, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet. While these advertisements do have some benefits - they are informative at least, I am quite convinced that they are more harmful than beneficial to children.




(2) “While”表示转折。

(3) informative 提供信息的

(4)I am convinced that... 我确信......(= I am sure, I believe)

(5)more harmful than beneficial to... 对......来说弊大于利。


In the first place, in order to attract children, many advertisers tend to overemphasise the "fun side" of their products. More often than not they will promote such products as computer games, dolls, animal parks, and so on. I admit these stuff may be important to children, yet too much of them would distract children from their study. Even when they are advertising learning-aid products, the advertisers often claim their products will make children's learning process full of fun. This is really bad because it gives children a false impression that they do not have to put serious efforts into their study.



(1) 提出反对儿童广告的第一个理由:儿童广告过度强调其有趣的方面。论证的时候注意论据的推进:虽然乐趣对儿童十分重要,但过于强调乐趣会使孩子从学习中分心—即使是推广学习辅助产品也过于强调其娱乐性,使孩子不能严肃对待学习。

(2) more often than not (= often, frequently)经常

(3) distract sb. from sth. 使某人从某事中分心

(4) give sb. a false impression 给某人错误的印象


At the same time, children advertising is partly responsible for children being kept away from the reality. Catering to the psychological needs of children, many advertisements describe the world in highly imaginative and unrealistic manners. For instance, when they want to promote their doll weapons, they will describe the world as a place full of bad guys. A child exposed to such advertising may develop a deep sense of hostility to the world. On the other hand, when they want to sell entertainment park tickets to children, they will describe the world as a place full of love and without any danger at all. A child who has been made to believe this kind of advertising will have a hard time when they come across troubles in real life.



(1) 本段提出反对儿童广告的第二个理由:儿童广告导致儿童远离现实,并从两方面举例(要么对世界充满敌意,要么对世界充满美好的幻想);举例能使得论据丰满而且又有说服力,并且字数也不愁了!

(2) be partly responsible for 对…负部分责任,部分导致......

(3) keep away from reality 远离现实

(4) cater to 迎合......

(5) unrealistic 不现实的

(6) expose (to) 暴露于......

(7) hostility 敌意,仇恨

(8) come across 遇见,遭遇


To conclude, since most children advertisements are misleading, they are really harmful to children who are not old enough to tell the difference between imagination and reality. Indeed, these advertisements may provide useful information for children, but these information can be obtained from other more reliable sources. Therefore, my strong suggestion is that children advertising be banned.



(1) 总结本文观点:由于儿童广告有误导性,因此对还不能区分想象和现实的儿童来说是有害的;尽管这些广告能提供信息,但这些信息可以从更可靠的渠道获得;因而儿童广告应该被禁止。

(2) to conclude 总之(类似词组还有in conclusion,in short,all in all)

(3) misleading 误导性的

(4) tell the difference between…”区分…


1. While these advertisements do have some benefits - they are informative at least, I am quite convinced that they are more harmful than beneficial to children.


2. I admit these stuff may be important to children, yet too much of them would distract children from their study.


3. Catering to the psychological needs of children, many advertisements describe the world in highly imaginative and unrealistic manners.


4. To conclude, since most children advertisements are misleading, they are really harmful to children who are not old enough to tell the difference between imagination and reality.



题目为:Nowadays a large amount of advertising is aimed at children. Some people think this can have negative effects on children and should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

雅思大作文范文解析:本题考查的是比较常见的广告话题,但此题注意扣住题目要求,防止跑题.请考生注意advertising aimed at children & negative effects & be banned.


people nowadays, especially children, are continually seduced and intoxicated by varied forms of advertising, with its strategic maneuvers, addressing its seductive appeal of sale. Therefore, some people claim that the misleading commercials targeting children undoubtedly should be strictly forbidden.

Evidently, the vicious effects of business advertising on children can be hardly ignored.

In the eagerness of selling, a variety of commercials, more often than not, confuse the child’s perception. Children at an early age have not even developed a proper sense of their own identity, or learned to handle money; were they bombarded by misleading advertisements, these youngsters in the formative years would more likely associate status and self-worth with stuff, and look to external things such as fame and wealth for validation. This is the reason why the overwhelming number of children in China tend to get attracted to high-end brands that advertise clothes, shoes and other products.

Additionally, the advertising directed at children that contributes to excessive consumption of unhealthy food is responsible for the epidemic of child obesity. With so many attractive commercials, such as marketing junk foods, unhealthy beverages, and sugared cereals and candy, children’s health has been adversely affected. Owing to the delicious-looking foods being shown on screens every few minutes,Children see fit-looking adults munching on various junk foods and assume that they are healthy, but fail to understand the concept of advertising, which in turn has led to a surge in obesity, diabetes, and other conditions in young children.

However, never ever do we bar and limit the deleterious effects of advertisements on children, as kids gravitate toward all kinds digital devices by which advertisers have found sneakier ways to capture their attention. Nevertheless, it is practicable for parents, the guardians, to help children process the persuasive intent of the advertisement critically, despite the fact that children are more vulnerable to the appeal of commercials than adults.

In conclusion, to bar the all-pervading commercials directed at children is technically impossible. I am concerned that only by being guided and educated properly to tell the misinformation, can children avoid being targeted and overwhelmed by the viciously commercial advertising.(字数325 words)范文原创自小站老师 江鹏(Daniel. Jiang)

文章结构 第一段:引入背景+题目观点






are continually seduced and intoxicated 不断地被诱惑

strategic maneuvers 战术策略

seductive appeal of sale. 强劲的销售力

developed a proper sense of their own identity, 对自己的身份有了正确的认识

in the formative years 价值观形成期

associate status and self-worth with stuff, 把地位和自我价值与事物联系起来

external things such as fame and wealth for validation. 靠外在的名誉和财富来证明自己

high-end brands 高端品牌

the epidemic of child obesity 爆发儿童肥胖症

gravitate toward 被...所吸引

sneakier ways 隐蔽的方式

process the persuasive intent 理解处理有劝说意图信息

more vulnerable to the appeal of commercials 更容易受到商业广告的诱惑


more often than not, 频率插入语

with its strategic maneuvers, addressing its seductive appeal of sale. 分词目的状语/介词伴随状语

were they bombarded 虚拟倒装

This is the reason why 定从

that contributes to 定从

being shown on screens/

munching on various junk foods 分词后定

which in turn has led. 非限定定从

Never ever do 全倒装

it is practicable for parents, the guardians, to It形主

despite the fact that 同位语从句


写作题目是:Nowadays a large amount of advertising aiming at children should be banned because of the negative effects. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


People today are too often bombarded with various advertisements on television, in newspapers or on the running buses or subways, a large proportion of which are children targeted. Some people claim that they should be prohibited because of the possible negative influence they might generate. However, I tend to have a different viewpoint.


Some people may point out that too much exposure to advertisings imposes too much stress on children as well as their parents. The advertisers usually have a deep insight into children's psychology and behavior which are taken advantage of in their advertisings to make their products, whether a toy, a snack or some other goods, more appealing to the young minds. As a result, the innocent young are very likely to fall prey to the predators and ask their parents to buy whatever is advertised, regardless of the price and the function.


However, advertisers themselves hardly agree with these arguments, claiming that the advertisements are full of useful information. This is true to a certain extent. In some cases, parents tend to choose the right quality products according to what a commercial introduces, especially after careful comparison. Nevertheless, in some others, quite the reverse is true. That is to say that the information in a commercial is far from helpful, but rather harmful, since almost all kinds of advertisings exaggerate their merits but conceal their demerits.


Overall, I believe that advertisings marketed towards children should be strictly examined and controlled by the related authorities because children are the disadvantaged group of people and prone to any tricks and deceits. But it is too much to put a ban on them.



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