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It is necessary for parents to attend a parenting training course to bring their children up.



Parenting is perhaps the greatest responsibility of our life and mistakes and wrong decisions can ruin a family as well as the future of a child. Since many young people become parents and the number of nuclear families is on the rise, many experts emphasize the importance of parenting courses for both fathers and mothers. I personally agree with this notion as I believe that such sessions would be immensely helpful.


To begin with, proper parenting requires a great deal of knowledge and dedication. Sometimes minor negligence and lack of knowledge can lead to catastrophic outcomes. For instance, if busy parents forget to vaccinate a newborn, that would jeopardize the offspring’s life. Similarly, many parents, especially from the countryside, have silly superstitions that influence them to make bad choices. If those parents attend a course where experts share their opinions on different aspects of child fostering and right parenting, they would be highly benefitted. For example, my cousin Paula, who became a mother a few months ago believed that her child had a problem with digestion and need medical attention. However, it was revealed that the way she fed her daughter was not correct. I believe that a suitable course that brings out different aspects of upbringing a child, both moral and practical aspects, would save many unexpected situations for newly become parents.


Moreover, the increasing trends of single parents and nuclear family lack the expert opinion of the grandparents, unlike the past. This is why the need for such parenting sessions has risen even more. Such sessions bring parents together, let them share their views, forms a social relationship and help people learn the real facts about their personal prejudices. This is a great way to educate to-be-parents and newly-become-parents learn more about practical aspects of parenting and in a broader sense make a better society.


To conclude, being informed and educated parents is an important aspect to become good parents. Since parenting courses help people in a diverse way, it is indeed a good idea for people to participate in such courses.




Some people think international cooperation has brought benefits to world environment protection, while some people think more benefits have been brought to international business. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



Nowadays, countries like to maintain a strong and healthy relationship with each other for several reasons. Many people argue that environment issues such as global warming, preservation of natural habitat of rare species and detrimental effects of nuclear energy could only be solved with mutual efforts. Others claim that nations join hands in order to achieve lucrative business opportunities around the globe.


There is no denying that global warming is the biggest threat to the environment. That should be tackled on an emergency basis, one of the reason is that a large number of people are exploring and exploiting natural resources for the sake of their own benefits, which is damaging the environment on larger extent. Many countries have set up organisations that are researching on the causes and will proposed solutions to the problems. They are expecting to form some standards and legislation based on their research that would help on depletion of such issues.


On the other hand, many international food and hotel chains are expanding worldwide that are the source of employment for many people in developing countries. Another big advantage is to get potential labours in cheap rate, for example, the biggest giant of information technology ‘Apple’ has all its production in China because of low wages of workers and free if cost electricity provided by the Chinese government, thus tremendously helping both countries, as apple has low production cost and thus have huge profit margins, while people of china are getting jobs and their government are enjoying tax on the development and sales of each item of products,.


To sum up, I would like to say that international cooperation is essential for the mutual benefits of countries, thus has significant positive effects on their economy and also create a new horizon of opportunities for their people.




People believe that using mobile phones and computers to communicate. Therefore, people are losing the ability to communicate with each other face to face. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Mobile phone and computers are increasingly used by people in the modern life. It is agued that this practice leads to the losing of face to face communication ability of the users. I partly agree with this idea depending on how people use these technologies in their life.


On the one hand, when people use cell phones and computers, their face to face communication skills can be losen because of some main reasons. Firstly, when they use the high-tech equipments to play games, watch movies, read news, make a phone call, then they spend most of their free time with their own entertainment routines without communicating with their relatives or friends. As the result, they rarely talk with other people, and time to time, they may lose their ability to effectively communicate in face to face way. Secondly, some people tend to use their smart phones and computers connecting internet all day as a daily activity to satisfy their own dire needs in their own unreal world. They are more and more dependent on their own social network only availble on the internet and forget the real life with their own relations. Thus, they can not stand talking with other people and then lose their ability to communicate naturally in the real life.


On the other hand, mobile phone and computer can also help people gain some valuable skills on communicating with other people, even face to face interaction skills. smart phones and computer connecting internet enable users to conduct video chat which allows people see and talk to each other exactly as what they can do when facing in the real life. In addition, people draw inspiration from interesting TV programs that teach them how to communicate well in the real life. With the development of high-tech education game shows, people feel easily to assess a world of knowledge and experience in communication activities.


In conclusion, computers and cell phones may lead to losing of communication skills when people have face to face meeting. However, the high-tech equipments also help to improve the skills depending mostly on how they use the assets in their daily life.




Some people believe that the country would benefit a lot from a large number of young people entering into university; however, others think that the large amount of people receiving the education of university only leads to graduate unemployment. Discuss both views and give your opinion.



Colleges and universities are often referred to educational, as well as skill-enhancement, hub. Students enrol in colleges in order to acquire knowledge, which enhances their future career prospects. However, there are other reasons why many attend colleges.


The majority of people attend universities to pursue their higher education, which gears up their opportunities in the job market. Likewise, many have a far greater goal in their lives and in order to reach their heights, they choose colleges. A college or university acts as the main basement for the enlightened people. A great revolution has already occurred in the field of technology and that is correlated with the job market. Students seemed to join colleges in order to attain knowledge, which creates avenues for their dream jobs.


Moreover, exposure to the social world is the main constraint for a student and the best place to develop such skills is none other than Colleges. Colleges inculcate a social behaviour to the students and provide a wide range of facilities that allow an individual to enhance skills. Some students join a college or university for social status and some who join from family pressure may also get a good career guidance under the roof of colleges by the experienced faculty who guides them how to develop their profile to match the desired target.


In my opinion, college environment acts as a precursor to a student’s successful career and that is the reason many pupils join in colleges or universities to make their future dream come true.



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