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  根据以上对教材的分析,同时针对中国学生学习外语存在一定困难的实际情况。首先给学生创造外语语言氛围,身临其境地把学生带到农场里。同时激发学生学习兴 趣,使学生在参与农场的一系列活动中,掌握知识。最后通过做游戏对学生所学知识点进行训练,从而达到巩固知识的目的。下面是小编为大家准备以下的内容,希望对你们有所帮助。




  Teaching Aims:

  1.Get the Ss to talk about their hobbies and interests.

  2.Help the Ss write a composition

  3.let students realize how important the sports are

  4. useful expressions

  o My favorite sport is … because …

  o I like … because …

  o I became interested in it when …

  o My favorite athlete/footballer/sportsman is …

  o I like him/her because …

  o I practise …

  o In the future I hope to


  Teaching Important Points:

  1.Get the Ss to talk about their hobbies and interests.

  2.Enable the students to write a composition

  Teaching Difficult Points:

  1.How to talk about hobbies and interests.

  2.How to write a composition about their favourite sports.


  The General Idea of Th is Period:

  This period has two aims—to encourage the Ss to think and talk creatively about their hobbies and interests and to organize their ideas into a composition and to enable the students to write a report about their favou rit e sport.

  Teaching Aims:

  1.Get the Ss to talk about their hobbies and interests.

  2.Help the Ss write a composition

  3.let students realize how important the sports are

  4. useful expressions

  o My favorite sport is … because …

  o I like … because …

  o I became interested in it when …

  o My favorite athlete/footballer/sportsman is …

  o I like him/her because …

  o I practise …

  o In the future I hope to

  Teaching Important Points:

  1.Get the Ss to talk about their hobbies and interests.

  2.Enable the students to write a composition

  Teaching Difficult Points:

  1.How to talk about hobbies and interests.

  2.How to write a composition about their favourite sports.

  Teaching Methods:

  1.Discussion in pairs and in groups.


  Teaching Aids:

  1.A multimedia computer.

  Teaching Procedures:

  Step 1 Revision

  Read the words loudly and have a competition

  Step2 lead in

  Show some picture in which the teacher is doing something she likes to arouse students interest

  Step3 pre-writing


  Making a Survey on Others ’Interests or Hobbies

  Q1:What is your favourite sport?



  Goal For Knowledge

  1. Get the students to learn the useful new words and expressions in bold in this part: ancient, compete, medal, volunteer, Greece, homeland, regular, basis, athlete, admit, slave, nowadays, gymnastics, stadium, gymnasium, host, responsibility, replace, swift, motto, take part in, stand f or, as well

  2. Let students learn about the basic knowledge on the Olympic Games.

  Goal For Ability

  1. Develop the students’ reading ability and let them learn different reading skills.

  2. Enable the students to learn to talk about the Olympic Games.

  Goal On Emotion

  1. Arouse the students’ great interest in the Olympic Games.

  2. Develop the students’ sense of cooperative learning.


  Key Points about the Class

  1. Let the students learn more about the basic knowledge on the Olympic Games.

  2. Get the students to learn different reading skills.

  Difficult Points about the Class

  1. Develop the stu dents’ reading ability.

  2, Enable the students to learn to tal k about the Olympic Games.

  3. Let the students learn to use comparing and contrasting when writing.


  Process of the Class

  Step 1 lead in

  1. Introduction

  As we know, the ancient Olympic Games took place in Olympia in Greece every four years between 776BC and 339BC. Only men and boys could compete in the ancient Olympic Games. Married women were not even allowed to watch the Games; only young girls, boys and men could watch.

  However, in modern times, there are two main sets of Games—the Summer and Winter Olympics, and both are held every four years. Athletes from any country who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors. Therefore, there are many significant differences between the modern and ancient Olympics, although certain similarities exist.

  In this text, Pausanias, an ancient Greek writer, has come on a magical journey to find out more about the ancient and modern Olympics. Has he got what he wants to know? I think you have got the answer. OK. First, let’s do a survey about Olympics.


  This part is to introduce the students to the text briefly to make the text easy for them to read.

  6. How many main kinds of the Olympic Games are there in the world?

  7. What is the motto of the Olympic Games?

  8. What is the host city of the first Olympics?

  9. What is the host city of the 2004 Olympics?

  10. What is the host city of the 2008 Olympics?

  Suggested keys:

  1-5 CBCDC

  6. Two. They are the Summer Olympic Games and the Winter Olympic Games.

  7. Higher, swifter and stronger.

  8. Athens, Greece.

  9. Athens, Greece.

  10. Beijing, China.


  This part is to arouse the interests of the students on Olympic Games and get them into the reading slowly.

  Step 2 Pre-reading

  Ask the students to look at the title of the text and the pictures in it and talk about them.

  1) Title—An Interview

  An interview is a meeting in which someone is asking another one some questions in order to find out about their actions or opinions.

  2) The first picture in the text

  The first picture is the statue of a great Greek. His name is Pausanias. He was a famous traveler and writer in the second century AD.

  3) The second picture in the text

  The second picture is a Chinese athlete named Yang Yang. She won a gold medal for China at the 2002 Winter Olympic Games. She is a famous skating player.

  4) The third picture in the text

  The third picture is the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Maybe this is the main stadium. It’s large and can hold thousands of audience. See in the sky the five white rings? They are the Olympic Five Rings which stand for the five continents—Asia, Africa, the Americas, Europe and Oceania.


  This step is to help the students make a further understanding of the text.

  Step 3 Reading


  1 . Reading for the main idea

  What does the passage mainly tell about?

  Suggested answer:

  This text mainly tells about the similarities and the differences between the ancient and modern Olympic Games.

  2. Reading for detailed information

  Ask the students to read this text carefully to locate detailed information and then choose the best answer.

  1) Where do all the competitors live?

  A. A hotel. B. A special village. C. A restaurant. D. A place hired by competitors.

  2) Why do many countries want to host the Olympic Games?

  A. To run faster, jumper higher and throw further. B. To get a great honour.

  C. To make the country famous. D. To make money.

  3) Which of the following is included in the Winter Olympic Games?

  A. Skiing and ice skating. B. Running races. C. Horse riding. D. Swimming.

  4) The last Olympic Games were held in _________.

  A. Beijing B. Atlanta C. Athens D. Sydney

  5) Why does Pausanias think people may be competing for money in the modern Olympic Games?

  A. Because the winner can get medals.

  B. Because the winner can be awarded lots of money by their own countries.

  C. Because the olive wreaths have been replaced by medals.

  D. Because medals are made of gold.

  Suggested answers: 1)–5) BBACC


  This part is to check if the students have truly understood the text.

  3. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions.

  1) What amazes Pausanias about the Olympic Games?

  2) Why does he think Athens and Beijing should feel proud?


  1) Pausanias is amazed that many countries take part in the Olympics and women too and there are two sets of Olympics.

  2) It’s a great honour to host the Olympics.


  This part is to enable the students to have a deep understanding of the text by answering some difficult questions.


  1. one 2. women; slaves 3. Greece 4. two 5. reached; agreed standard

  6. anywhere in the world


  This part is to strengthen the key content in the text.

  5. Summary writing 归纳写作

  Answer these questions in not more than 100 words.


  1. Who is Pausanias?

  2. Why has Pausanias come to our time?

  3. Who tells Pausanias about the Modern Olympic Games?

  4. How often are the Modern Olympics held?

  5. How many sets of Games are there for the Modern Olympics and what are they?

  6. Who can take part in the Modern Olympic Games?

  7. How many sports are there in the Modern Olympics?

  8. Where do the athletes live during the Olympics?

  9. Who wants to host the Modern Olympics and why?

  10. What are the mottos of the Olympics?


  1. Pausanias is a Greek writer about 2000 years ago.

  2. He has come to our time to find out about the Modern Olympic Games.

  3. Li Yan tells him about it.

  4. The Modern Olympics are held every four years

  5. There are two sets of Games for the Modern Olympics. They are the Summer and the Winter Olympics.

  6. Athletes who have reached the agreed standard can take part.

  7. There are over 250 sports in the Modern Olympics.

  8. The athletes live in a special village during the Olympics.

  9. Any country wants to host the Olympic Games because it is a great honour to host it.

  10. The mottos of the Olympics are Swifter, Higher, Stronger.

  Passage making

  Reflection: This exercise is to improve the students’ ability of analyzing and writing.

  6. Discuss this question in groups: why do many countries want to host the Olympic Games while others do not? Put forward your ideas and give reasons for your choices.


  Welcome & reading

  1. I wish you were here.

  wish 后面跟宾语从句,从句中要用虚拟语气,即时态往前推一格, be动词改成过去式时,用 were。

  I wish I ____were___ (be) as clever as you.(现在)

  How he wishes that he ____had passed_____ (pass) the exam last term. (过去)

  How I wish I _______would/could/might have____ (have) a good holiday.(将来)

  2. in case conj. “以防, 万一 ”,引导条件状语从句,或adv 置于于句末,作状语

  in case of +名词或代词

  in that case 要那样的话 in any case无论如何 in no case 决不

  (1)John may phone tonight. I don’t want to go out ____in case___he phones.

  (2)You’d better take an umbrella ___in case of__________ the rain.

  (3)You’d better take an umbrella _____in case________it rains.

  (4)I don’t think I’ll need any money but I will bring some___in case_____.

  (5)I hope it will be fine tomorrow. ____In that case____, we can go out for a picnic.

  (6)It’s too late in any case. 无论如何太晚了。

  (7)In no case will I give in. 我决不投降。

  3. arrange Vt./Vi. 安排,准备 arrangement n.

  arrange sth. arrange to do sth arrange for sb. to do

  (1) 我们会安排好一切的。 We will arrange everything.

  (2) 我已经安排今晚同他们见面 。 I’ve arranged to see them tonight.

  (3) 我已经安排玛丽去机场接你。 I’ve arranged for Mary to meet you at the airport.

  4.We eat and drink whatever they do

  Whatever adv./conj. 可引导名词性从句和状语从句

  (1) no matter +who(m) /where/which/what/how/when..=wh-+ever均能引导让步状语从句

  Whenever he comes to Beijing, he will visit his teacher.=No matter when he comes…

  (2) 引导主语从句和宾语从句只能用who(m)ever, whatever, whichever,不可用no matter who(m) , no matter what, no matter which

  (3)however=no matter how引导让步状语从句时,常与形容词与副词连用

  Have a try:

  (1)No matter what he says, I won’t believe him.= Whatever he says, I won’t believe him.

  (2) You can eat whatever you want.

  (3) Whoever breaks the law should be punished.

  (4) However/No matter how difficult the job is, we must try our best.

  5. supply

  v. 供应,供给supply sth to sb=supply sb. with sth

  provide sth for sb=provide sb with sth 提供

  offer sb sth=offer sth to sb(主动)提供

  (1) The media supplies lots of information __to______us every day.

  =The media supplies us ____with_____ lots of information every day.

  (2) A pipe line will be built to D some eastern provinces gas.

  A. send B. provide C. supply D. offer

  n.供应,供给,供给物 the supply of sth

  (1)The water company cut off the _supplies____ of water for no good reasons.

  6. scare vt.惊吓,使害怕,使恐惧 adj. scared惊恐的; scary令人惊恐

  be scared at ….对…感到害怕. be scared to do 害怕做… scare away吓跑

  1) His idea __scared_____ me. 2) She __was scared ___ at the strange noise.

  3) People keep a dog _to scare away________ thieves.

  4) He is scared to go out alone at night 他害怕晚上出去。

  5) It was a __scary___ story and children were scared_____ after they heard it.

  7. up close

  close: adj(时间,空间上)接近;亲密的;仔细的,严密的 adv靠近地 常与to连用

  closely : adv 仔细地,严密地

  Our new house is __close___to the school. Jane and I are __close____ friends.

  It was raining heavily. Little Mary felt cold, so she stood _close_____to her mother.

  She stood__close___ to her teacher so that she could watch__closely___.

  The policeman examined his room__closely___.

  Our health is closely related to (和…紧密相关)our diet.

  8. tire vt. 使劳累/使厌倦 adj. tired 困倦的,厌烦的; tiring 令人厌烦的

  be tired of ….厌倦… be tired from/with…因…疲劳

  Too much work tired me (out)._____太多的工作使我筋疲力尽。___

  I was tired from/with too much work._____我因为太多的工作而劳累。_______

  He was very talkative and I was tired of talking with him.__他太健谈了,我厌倦和他讲话。__

  His speech was tiring. I can’t put up with it. 他的演讲令人厌烦。 我无法忍受下去了。

  9.It’s the biggest desert in the world--the size of the US.

  the size of the US= as large as the US= the same size of the US

  倍数表达法 A is once/twice/three times … as +原级+as +B

  A is once/twice/three times … 比较级+than B

  A is once/twice/three times … the +名词(size/ length) of B


  The new library is four times as large as the old one.

  The new library is three times larger than the old one.

  The new library is four times the size of the old one.

  9. The sun can be so brilliant that you’ll need to keep covered or you’ll get burnt.

  get done 表被动

  (1) His car got stolen (steal)at the weekend.

  (2) Our car gets cleaned (clean) about once every two month.

  (3) She got paid (pay) before she went on a holiday.

  Word power, Grammar, Task

  10. 强调句型 基本形式为:It is/was +强调部分+that+其他部分


  其特征是去掉It is/was…that…句子依然成立。

  Eg. It is in the garden that his party will be hold.

  It is Tom that/who helped us in the accident.

  It was because his father changed his job that they moved to California.

  是他昨天送那个男孩回家的。 It was he that sent the boy home yesterday.

  是上个星期天小张买了辆车。 It was last Sunday that Xiaozhang bought a car.

  是因为他妈妈生病他昨天没来上课It was because his mother was ill that he didn’t come to school yesterday.



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