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  学生学会用一般将来时对未来进行预测,并学会There will be…的用法。


  学习more, less和fewer表示数量的用法

  Learning action tips:

  Teacher guides to imagine and predict the world in 100 years and leadin new lesson.

  Teacher:Our world is developing fast. What will our worldbe like? Will we have robots?

  Students:Yes, we will.

  Task 1

  Learning action tips:

  Preview the words on Page49­50 in the word list. Students read the wordsby phonetic symbols, then underline new words in the text and mark the Chinese meaning.At last finish the task in 1a.


  in 100 years 在100年后



  “in+时间段”是指以现在时间为起点的“在一段时间以后”,用在一般将来时态的句子中,对其提问how soon。


  He will come back in ten days.他将在十天后回来。

  He came back after ten days. 他十天后回来了。情景导入 生成问题

  1.T:Willwe use money?

  S:No, we won\'t.

  2.T:Willkids go to school?

  S:No, they won\'t.

  3.T:Willthere be only one country?

  S:No, there won\'t.

  自学互研 生成能力

  Task1Let\'sread the new words and the phrases.

  1.I can read.(我会读)

  paper, pollution, prediction,future, pollute, environment, planet, earth, part

  2.I can write.(我会写)









  (10)我认为会有更多的污染。 I__think__there__will__be__more__pollution.

  3.I can summarize.(我会总结)

  (1)People will__haverobots in their homes.

  will 是助动词,常用于一般将来时态中,后接动词原形。





  温馨提示:will not 常缩写为won\'t。will没有人称和数的变化。

  (2)There__will__bemore pollution.

  There will be…是there__be 句型的一般将来时,意为“将有”,其否定句结构为:Therewill__not/won\'t__be…,一般疑问句把will提前,肯定回答用:Yes,__there__will,否定回答用:No,__there__will__not/__won\'t.

  (1)城市将更拥挤。 Cities will__be morecrowded.

  (2)明天将不会下雨。 It won\'t rain tomorrow.

  (3)未来将会有更少的树。 There__will__be fewer trees in the future.

  (4) 明年这条河将有鱼吗? Will there be any fishes in the river?

  Task2Let\'slisten to the tape and finish 1b, 2a,2b.


  ( C )My brother will go there ________four o\'clock.


  C.after D.for

  Task 2

  Learning action tips:

  1.Students turn to Page44 and listen to the tape, finish the listeningtask in 1b. Students listen to the tape again and repeat.

  2.Students turn to Page50 and listen to the tape, finish the listeningtasks in 2a and 2b. Then students listen again and repeat.


  I__think there willbe more pollution.

  I think 后接表否定意义的宾语从句时,成“否定前移”。如:

  I don\'t think he can come. 我认为他不会来。


  (C)Idon\'t think he is right, ________?

  A.doIB.don\'t I

  C.ishe D.isn\'the

  Task 3

  Learning action tips:

  Students read aloud the dialogues in 1c and 2c, make dialogues and have a conversation practice with“—Will …?—Yes,…will./No, …won\'t.”and“There will be more/less/fewer…”.Andinterview classmates and have a report.


  Task3Let\'smake conversations and interview.

  1.I can practice.(我会练)

  A:What\'s your prediction about the future?Do you think (1)there__will__be__fewer__trees(将有更少的树吗)?

  B:Oh, I don\'t think so. I think theenvironment will be better (2) in__the__future(将来).

  A:(3) Will__people(人们将要) use money (4) in__100__years(在100年后)?

  B:No,theywon\'t. Everything will be free.

  2.I can make conversations.(我会编对话)

  你能结合课文内容编写对话,来谈论你和同伴们对未来的预测吗?运用句型“I think there will be more/fewer/less…”。





  3.I can interview and report.(我会采访和汇报)

  Oral report:In__our__group/class,__Han__Dong__thinks__everything__will__be__free__in__100__years,__Wu__Yifan__thinks__cities__will__be__more__crowded__and__polluted.__There__will__be__fewer__trees__and__the__environment__will__be__in__great__danger,__people__will__do__more__to__stop__it…

  交流展示 生成新知

  Preshow:Show in groups. (Time: six minutes)

  Task1:First read the words andphrases in groups,then read together andsum up the usage of the words in groups,markthe difficult words in pronunciation and understanding(students can ask teacherfor help).At last,write them on the blackboard.

  Task3:First discuss and checkthe answers of Task 3 in groups, then discuss and set scenes to perform the dialogues,interview students about their predictionabout the future.At last,write them on the blackboard.

  Promotionshow:Class show.(Time: sixteenminutes)

  Task1:1.Ican read.(1)Readtogether, pay attention to the pronunciation of “pollute”and “pollution”;(2) Consolidate the words by wordgames.

  2.I can write. (1)Translate the phrasesand sentences into English or Chinese by answering quickly;(2)Read together;(3)Spot test:consolidate the usage of the phrasesby making sentences.

  3.I can summarize.(1)Sum up the usage offuture indefinite“will+V.” and “There will be…”with the sentences in thetextbook;(2)Spot test:consolidate the usage of future indefinitewith exercises,check the answers by answeringquickly and explain.

  Task3:1.Ican practice.(1)Choosesome students to translate the key sentences in Task 3;(2)Read together.

  2.I can makeconversations.(1)Makedialogues according to the task;(2)Set scenes to performthe dialogues;(3)Question students randomlyaccording to the dialogues.

  3.I can interviewand report.(1)Interviewstudents with the structure “—Will…?—Yes,…will./No,…won’t.”and“There will be more/less/fewer…”,show them on the blackboard in diagrams;(2)Report students’prediction aboutthe future in oral.

  当堂演练 达成目标


  1.If there are more trees, there willbe less pollution.

  2.What do you want to be in the future?

  3.Would you please give me some paper?I want to write a letter.

  4.It\'s our duty to try to improve ourenvironment.

  5.The earth is our only home,we should protect it.

  课后反思 查漏补缺收获:________________________________________________________________________存在困惑:________________________________________________________________________







  重点单词及短语:shake, milk shake, blender, turn on, peel, pour, yogurt, honey, watermelon,spoon, pot, add, finally, salt。


  通过交流表达和听力训练,引入各种学习方法和策略来学习“Howdo you make…”







  重点单词和短语:prepare, prepare for, exam, go to the/a doctor, flu, available, another time.



  Learning action tips:

  The teacher asks the students what to do when they have birthdays.

  T:When is your birthday?

  S:It's on…

  T:Today we'll learn how to invite your friends to your party.

  Task 1

  Learning action tips:

  Preview the words on Page55-60 in the word list. Students read the words by phonetic symbols, then underline new words in the text and mark the Chinese meaning. At last finish the task in 1a.

  【Method coach】

  ▲On Saturday afternoon

  意为“在星期六的下午”。泛指在一天的早上、中午或下午用in,而在具体的某一天的早上、中午或下午用on。如:on Monday morning。




  prepare for/get ready for 为……做准备

  prepare sth. for sb.为某人准备某物

  prepare to do 准备做某事

  如:She prepared a nice breakfast for us.她给我们准备了美味的早餐。情景导入 生成问题

  1.T:What will you do when you have your birthday?


  2.T:How do you invite your friends to your party before the party?


  自学互研 生成能力

  Task 1 Let's read the new words and the phrases.

  1.I can read.(我会读)

  prepare, prepare for, exam, go to the/ a doctor, flu, available, another time

  2.I can write.(我会写)




  (3)得流感have__the__flu (4)太多的作业too__much__homework







  3.I can summarize.(我会总结)

  (1)你知道have to和must的用法吗?

  have to/has to 后面接动词原形,汉语意思是“不得不,必须”,强调客观(主观/客观)原因。而must意为“必须”,强调主观(主观/客观)原因。如:I have to help my parents.我得照顾我父母。He has to study for a test. 他必须为考试学习。

  (2)can为情态动词,Can you…?是向别人请求或邀请。也可用Could you…? could 比can 的语气要委婉和客气。肯定回答用Sure, I'd love to./ Certainly./ Of course, I can.等。否定答语常用I'd love to, but I have to…/ Sorry, I have to…/ I'm sorry, I can't.等。

  如:—Jenny, can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon? 詹妮,星期六下午能来我的派对吗?

  —Sure, I'd love to. 当然,我乐意。

  (1)It's too late. She has to(不得不) go there by bus.

  (2)I have to clean the room right now.(改为否定句)

  I don't have to clean the room right now.

  (3)—Can you go to the movies with me?(肯定回答)


  (4)—Can you come to my house for dinner? (否定回答)


  Task 2 Let's listen to the tape and finish 1b,2a,2b.

  Task 3 Make conversations and interview.

  Task 2

  Learning action tips:

  1.Students turn to Page65 and listen to the tape, finish the listening task in 1b. Students listen to the tape again and repeat.

  2.Students turn to Page66 and listen to the tape, finish the listening tasks in 2a and 2b. Then students listen again and repeat.

  【Method coach】


  Task 3

  Learning action tips:

  Students read aloud the dialogues in 1c and 2c. Imitate and make dialogues and have a conversation practice with“—Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?—Sure, I'd love to …”And interview classmates and have a report.

  【Method coach】

  ▲until conj.& prep.



  I'm going to stay here until next week. 我打算到下个星期为止。


  I won't leave until you come back.直到你回来,我才会离开。


  1.I can practice.(我会练)

  A:Can you come to my party (1)on__Saturday__afternoon(在星期六下午)?


  C:Sorry, I can't. I (3)have__to(不得不)prepare for an exam.

  D: I'm sorry, too. I must (4)go__to__the__doctor(去看医生).

  2.I can make conversations.(我会编对话)


  A:Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?

  B:Sure. I'd love to.





  3.I can interview and report.(我会采访和汇报)

  Oral report:This__Saturday__is__my__birthday.__I__want__to__have__a__birthday__party__at__home,__so__I__interviewed__some__of__my__friends.__Here__is__the__result.__My__friends__Li__Lei__and__Wang__Lei__can__come__to__my__party.__That's__good.__But__Lily__can't__come__to__my__party__because__she__has__to__help__her__mom…

  交流展示 生成新知

  Preshow:Show in groups. (Time:six minutes)

  Task 1:First read the words and phrases in groups,then read together and sum up the usage of the words in groups,mark the difficult words in pronunciation and understanding(students can ask teacher for help).At last,write them on the blackboard.

  Task 3:First discuss and check the answers of Task 3 in groups, then discuss and set scenes to perform the dialogues,interview their classmates.At last,write them on the blackboard.

  Promotion show:Class show. (Time:sixteen minutes)

  Task 1:1.I can read.(1)Read together, pay attention to the pronunciation of “available”, “prepare”;(2)Consolidate the words by word games.

  2.I can write.(1)Translate the phrases into English or Chinese by answering quickly;(2)Read together;(3)Spot test:consolidate the usage of the phrases by making sentences.

  3.I can summarize.(1)Sum up the usage of “have to/must” and “can”;(2)Spot test: consolidate the usage with exercises,check the answer by answering quickly and explain.

  Task 3:1.I can practice.(1)Choose some students to translate the dialogues in Task 3;(2)Read together.

  2.I can make conversations.(1)Make dialogues according to the task;(2)Set scenes to perform the dialogues;(3)Question students randomly according to the dialogues.

  3.I can interview and report.(1)Interview students with the sentence“Can you come to my party?”,show them on the blackboard in diagrams;(2)Report students' reasons about accepting and refusing the invitations in oral.

  当堂演练 达成目标


  1.We aren't available(有空的), we have lots of things to do.

  2.Jim got the flu(流感)last week.

  3.Mr. Black often catches(及时赶上) the early bus to work.

  4.I'd like to go with you, but I have to prepare for the New Year party.

  5.I feel nervous before big exams(考试).

  课后反思 查漏补缺



  第二课时 Section A (Grammar Focus~3c)


  1.学生进一步掌握学习如何发出、接收、谢绝邀请,以及情态动词can, must, have to, might的用法。








  Learning action tips:

  Teacher:We have learnt how to make an invitation. We also have learnt how to accept and refuse an invitation. Now please make conversations with your partner about what we have learnt.

  Task 1

  Learning action tips:

  1.Preview the words on Page67 in the word list. Students read the words by phonetic symbols, then underline new words in the text and mark the Chinese meaning. At last finish the tasks in 3a and 3b.

  2.Students read and translate the sentences in Grammar Focus on Page67.

  【Method coach】

  ▲Who are you going to the movies with? 你和谁一起去看电影?

  who 是主格形式,其宾格形式是whom。




  Who came here just now? (作主语) 谁刚刚来这儿了?

  Who is that young woman? (用表语) 那个年轻的女人是谁?

  whom是who的宾格形式,只能出现在从句里面或是介词(如to,from,at,of)后面,在口语中常用who来代替whom作宾语。情景导入 生成问题

  1.T:Can you play basketball with us tomorrow afternoon?


  2.T:Can Linda go to the movies on Saturday evening?


  自学互研 生成能力

  Task 1 Let's read the new words and the phrases.

  1.I can read.(我会读)

  invite, accept, refuse

  2.I can write.(我会写)


  (1)为数学测验而学习 study__for__a__math__test

  (2)去参加聚会 go__to__the__party

  (3)去参加棒球比赛 go__to__the__baseball__games

  (4)不得不 have__to

  (5)练习小提琴 practice__the__violin

  (6)完成科学作业 finish__the__science__homework

  (7)计划做 plan__to__do

  3.I can use.(我会用)

  Make an invitation(邀请):

  Can you come to my party?

  Would you like__to come to my party?




  I'm__sorry,__I__can't. I have to…(play the piano…)

  I'd__love__to,__but I have to…(go to the doctor…)

  (1)——你能和我一起去打网球吗? ——当然,我很愿意。

  —Can you play__tennis with me?

  —Sure, I'd love to.


  —Can you come out to play ping­pong with me?

  —Sorry,__I'm preparing__for the test.

  Task 2 Make conversations and make a survey according to 3c.

  1.I can practice.(我会练)

  A:Can you (1)come__to__the__concert__with__me(和我一起参加音乐会)?

  B:Sorry, I'm afraid I can't come to the concert. I (2)have__to(不得不) help my mother.

  A:That's really too bad! Can you go to the movies with us (3) on__Monday__night(在星期一晚上)?

  B: (4)Sure(当然可以)! Catch you on Monday!

  2.I can try.(我会试)



  To whom is she talking? 她正在和谁说话?

  Task 2

  Learning action tips:

  1.Teacher:Let's read 3a and fill in the blanks with the correct phrases.

  Read the dialogue in 3c, students imitate and make dialogues with“A:Can you come to my party? B: When is it? A: Next week, on__Thursday__night . B: I'm sorry. I have to study__for__a__test .Have a dialogue practise.

  2.Finish 3b with the sentences learnt about sending, receiving and refusing the invitation, students give the answers and correct them.

  3.Require students to fill the things are going to do next week in the diagram in 3c and invite your classmates to your party according to the dialogue in 3c in free time.

  【Method coach】


  (1)invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事

  (2)invite sb. to some place 邀请某人去某地


  invite的名词形式是invitation, 其常用短语如下:

  send out an /in vitation(to sb.)(向某人)发出邀请

  give sb. an invitation 邀请某人

  receive an invitation 收到邀请

  accept an invitation 接受邀请

  refuse/ turn down sb. 's invitation 拒绝某人的邀请


  (1)He invited me to__have__dinner with him. 他邀请我和他一起吃晚餐。

  (2)Mr. Hand invited us to__his__factory this weekend. 汉德先生邀请我们这个周末去他的工厂。


  3.I can make conversations.(我会编对话)








  4.I can summarize.(我会总结)

  In our group, …can't go to the party on__Thursday__night.Because he/she has to __study__for__a__test…

  (1)区分have to/must;(2) Can you…?/ Would you like to…?表示邀请。


  (1)It is raining, Li Lei has__to(不得不)take an umbrella.

  (2)You must(必须)follow the traffic rules.

  (3)Can you come(come) to play basketball on Sunday?

  (4)Would you like to__hang(hang) out with me?

  交流展示 生成新知

  Preshow:Show in groups. (Time: six minutes)

  Task 1: First read the words and phrases in groups,then read together and sum up the usage of the words in groups,mark the difficult words in pronunciation and understanding(students can ask teacher for help).At last,write them on the blackboard.

  Task 2:First discuss and check the answers of Task 2 in groups, then discuss and set scenes to perform the dialogues,use the phrases we learnt to invite students to some activities. At last,write them on the blackboard.

  Promotion show:Class show. (Time: sixteen minutes)

  Task 1:1.I can read.(1)Read together, pay attention to the pronunciation of “accept” and “refuse”;(2)Consolidate the words by word games.

  2.I can write.(1)Translate the phrases into English or Chinese by answering quickly;(2)Read together;(3)Spot test:consolidate the usage of the phrases by making sentences.

  3.I can use.(1)Sum up the usage of key sentences according to the phrases in “I can write”, finish“I can use”;(2)Spot test:consolidate the knowledge points with exercises,check the answer by answering quickly and explain.

  Task 2:1.I can practice.(1)Choose some students to translate the dialogues in Task 2;(2)Read together.

  2.I can try.(1)Finish 3a,3b;(2)Explain the answers and sum up the methods;(3)Use the material in the textbook to talk and show in groups according to students’ actual situation.

  3.I can make conversations.(1)Make dialogues according to the task;(2)Set scenes to perform the dialogues;(3)Question students randomly according to the dialogues.

  4.I can summarize.(1)Explain and sum up the usage of“have to/must;Can you…?/Would you like to…?”,give examples and write on the blackboard,then read together;(2)Finish exercises and explain.

  当堂演练 达成目标


  1.I wanted to give her a hand, but she refused.

  2.I'm afraid I can't go with you.

  3.Mike bought me a nice present, but I didn't accept it.

  4.My friend invited me to her house for dinner this evening.

  5.What are you planning to do this weekend?

  课后反思 查漏补缺收获:________________________________________________________________________存在困惑:________________________________________________________________________


